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Adrien's POV

My feet softly landed on an empty roof top. I didn't want to leave Marinette but... I knew I couldn't stay all night.
I guess my thoughts were wrong. She didn't like Adrien, she admired him. Right?

I paced back and forth, thinking of what she said. The day we met at the park, she'd mentioned that she 'liked someone else' when I asked her about Luka.

Wait! I could just ask her as Chat Noir. So then, maybe she'd tell me! I knew for a fact I couldn't ask her as Adrien. Not only did she not want to tell me when I asked the first time, but she acts differently around me in civilian form.
But... maybe she was just saying that because she thought I'd go back and say something to him?

I put my hand to my chin as I thought about it. The things she said to Luka... it did seem like she...
I furrowed my eyebrows, another wave of jealousy stabbing me in the heart.

Was it Luka that she liked?
Was she just lying to me?

I had to find out to know for sure. I sat down, dangling my feet from the building top, lost in thought.

"Chat Noir?"

I turned around quickly, being pulled from my thoughts once again.


"What are you doing here?" The words came out of both of our mouths at the same time as she laughed quietly.

"You first..." She smiled and sat beside me.

"I was visiting someone and thought I'd stop here and take a view of the nice scenery. It's pretty at night." I looked back out towards the Eiffel Tower.

"I just... needed some fresh air and that's when I saw you here." She looked down with a smile.

"Are you okay, Chat? You seem upset."

"I just have a lot on my mind."

"Wanna talk about it?"

I shrugged and looked over at her. The cold wind hit my cheeks, making me shiver a little.

"Not really."
I wanted to talk about it but I didn't think talking to Ladybug was a good idea for some reason. Maybe because I used to like her and... it just seemed weird.

"Well... I'm here if you want to talk." She smiled when we locked eyes but then quickly turned away again.

"Thank you but I have class tomorrow so I'd better get some sleep." I rubbed the back of my neck, standing up again.

"Alright, I will see you later, then?"

I nodded and smiled.

"Goodnight, M'lady."

"Goodnight, Chat Noir."

When I got back home, I still couldn't shake the thoughts.

"Plagg, do you have any advice on relationships and stuff?"

"Kid, the only relationship I've been in, is with my cheese. After a while you just gotta eat it and move on to the next piece or it'll go bad."

"Are you saying I need to just... move on?"

"This is a decision you need to make yourself."

I grumbled and threw myself onto the bed. Maybe I could figure it out after I got some sleep.

But sleep never came.

As soon as I started dozing off, my alarm went off. I groaned and hit the top of it until it stopped buzzing, covering my head with a pillow.

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