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Marinette's POV

"Patrol?! Is that the best he could come up with?! Seriously?"

I kicked at my desk in frustration, instantly regretting it. The pain shot up my foot and into my leg. It made me even more upset.

"Marinette, maybe you should go on a patrol and see if you run into him? Talk to him as Ladybug and see what's going on."

"Tikki, it's no use. He's probably already tired of me. He obviously doesn't want to be around me since he's making up lies and excuses just to leave."

"But you'll never know unless you find out for yourself! Don't think too negatively yet. He might have had to do something as his civilian self that he couldn't tell you and risk his identity."

"No, he was clearly upset about something."

"You should still go. Just see if he's out there?"

"Fine. But I'm still upset at him for just leaving with some lame excuse that I obviously know isn't true. Tikki, spots on!"

I hesitated before jumping from the balcony. The adrenaline rush I felt every time I looked at the ground made me sick. Especially being up so high.

Why did he lie to me?
I bit the inside of my cheek and rolled my eyes.

"Guess we'll find out"

I mumbled under my breath before taking the leap.
I wasn't even sure if he was actually out tonight.

I jumped from roof top to roof top until I noticed a familiar blonde standing on a building, staring off into space. I quietly landed behind him and crossed my arms.

"I didn't know it was your turn to patrol."

He jumped and turned to look at me.

"Oh... y-yeah. It's not but... I was actually hoping I'd see you tonight."

Of course he means Ladybug. It's always Ladybug. Even though he'd been coming to see me in my civilian form, he was still obsessed with Ladybug. This broke my heart even more. Leaving me, Marinette to come see someone else, Ladybug. Not that it mattered or... anything.

Oh, if only he knew.

"Me? Why? Are you... okay?"

"Fine. Just... having some problems I think..." his voice trailed off as he looked down at the concrete rooftop.

"Problems? What kind of problems?"

"So... let's say that I like this girl. She's very kind and sweet but she doesn't exactly see herself that way? And... not to mention... I found out that she likes... or... liked a different guy. Well, I think she likes a different person because I found pictures of him on her desk... uh.. not that I was snooping around or anything, but I-"

"Wait, wait. Chat, slow down! So, you like this girl but you found pictures of another guy in her room?"

I knew exactly what he was talking about and well... who he was talking about.


"Yes! And you see, the thing is, we're not even dating yet but I feel so angry and upset at mys- this other guy and I don't know why! She even had hearts drawn around his face in some of them!"

"Chat, are you... jealous? I mean, If you think she really likes you back, maybe you should go see her and talk to her about it? I'm sure she has an explanation for them."

Oh no. I have to think of an excuse now... why do I have pictures of Adrien? He obviously doesn't like me anyways. Ugh! Another reason to hate myself even more.

"No! I'm not jealous! I don't even know if she likes me back, honestly. I feel like... I'm just a friend to her. Someone she can talk to when she's upset and... that's all. But... That's fine because I'd rather just be friends than tell her how I actually feel and mess everything up. But I feel like she gets me. She doesn't make me feel like a stranger in my own skin. I don't even know who I am sometimes but she... does."

He frowned and sat down on the rooftop.

I felt my heart break. I'm so stupid! I mess everything up. And, I hurt Chat. The only one who seems to actually care about me. But this... this was surprising. I didn't know he felt that way about me.

I took a deep breath and sighed.
"So, tell me more about this girl that you're soo in love with." I smirked and sat down in front of him, trying to make him feel a little better.

"Well... she's beautiful and smart. She made me this..." he pointed to his beanie and smiled softly. I could definitely tell that he liked me.. or, Marinette. "And she seems to care. She actually seems to like me, for me." His smile faded. "But..."

"But, there's that other guy. Right?"

"Yeah. And I definitely can't compete with him." He chuckled sadly.

"Why not?"

"He's a model. That's why all the girls like him. Money, fame." He sighed and put his face into his hands.

"And you think that's why she likes him?"

"I guess. Even if it's not, it'd be hard to believe."

"Well, maybe she changed her mind. Or... maybe she knows him for who he actually is. I don't think she liked him for the fame and money, Chat. I think she liked him because she knew that he was hurting deep down inside. That he wasn't who he wanted to be. She could relate to him... but, who am I to say these things? I don't know if that's the true reason but I do think you should ask her yourself."

"Wow. I never... yeah. I will ask her. Thanks for the advice, M'Lady."

He held out his fist and I softly 'pounded it'.
"See you later, Chat."

"You too!"

And with that, he was gone. I quickly took the short way home just in case he decided to show up again.

But I waited.
And waited.
And... waited.

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