House Of Glass

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• (recap)

Nathalie ran to her car as she called Gorilla.

"There's been an incident, get Adrien back to Paris as fast as possible."

The Gorilla let out a huff and informed the pilot to turn the plane around.

"What's going on?"

Gorilla looked at the blonde and shrugged as he sat back down, pulling his headphones on. Just as the voice spoke through his head phones,

"You are a dolphin, leaping from wave to wave in an ocean of tranquillity."

Adrien tapped his shoulder as his face grew with worry.

"Can I use your phone?"

The large man sighed as he hesitantly pulled his head phones off and handed Adrien his phone.

He tried calling Marinette but it went straight to voicemail.
So he tried again.
Still no answer.

Then he called Nathalie.

As soon as she picked up, he quickly started talking.

"Nathalie, what's going on?"

Worry filled his voice making the woman on the other phone frown.

"Adrien, I can't explain much over the phone but Marinette is here and... she's in danger."

She sighed and pushed up her glasses as she spoke quickly.

"I will be waiting for you at the airport, I'll try to explain then."

She gasped when she saw the bright flash. She knew he made the wish. She just hoped he didn't take Adrien's life in the process.

After all, that was his original plan.
To sacrifice his son in place of Emilie.


She sighed in relief when he called her name. She knew the consequences weren't on Adrien.
But that could only mean one thing...


Adrien was trying to take everything in as he pushed through the door.
His eyes frantically darted from his father to the coffin and then to....


The blue haired girl weakly reached to him before her arm dropped to the floor making the man that stood over her laugh evilly.

He pulled the miraculous off and threw them at the lifeless girl that laid on the ground as he didn't need them anymore.
His plan didn't go as planned but it was still successful.

"At least you're good for something, Marinette."

He sneered and turned to face the glass coffin, waiting for his wife to wake up.

Adrien's heart nearly shattered when he realized what had happened.

But there it was again.

He failed to protect her.



He screamed her name as he ran to her side, sliding on his knees as he reached her. He picked up her hand as Gabriel turned around.

"Adrien?! What are you doing here?! You're suppose to be in London!"

Adrien's eyes went dark as he looked up at his father in anger.
No. Anger wasn't the word for it.
He was enraged.

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