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Adrien's POV

I stayed a little while longer at the bakery. It was very awkward between us both. I knew Marinette was upset, but she didn't have to say such hurtful things to me. I guess she was just taking the anger out that she had bottled up inside. The anger from Lila, herself, and anyone else that was making her feel that way. And I can only do so much about these things.
No matter how much Marinette hurt me with her words, I still wanted to be there for her. This was the first time she'd ever gotten mad at me. Well, besides when Chloe put gum on her seat and she thought I did it. But that was different, this time it actually was me.

She was very... stubborn. That, I knew for sure. I don't think I've ever met anyone as stubborn as her.

Maybe that's why I liked her so...

"Adrien! No! She's just a friend.
Nothing more. She doesn't even like me that way anyways." 

I silently cursed myself for thinking such things but apparently it wasn't silent enough.

"Just a friend, huh? Wow Adrien. You really are a blonde." Plagg flew out with his arms crossed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll figure it out one day, kid."

"Plagg! No! I'm serious. If this is about Marinette, she's seriously just a friend."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sure she is." He rolled his eyes and sat on my desk.

"Can you get me more Camembert, now?" He whined, pointing at his stomach as if he was going to starve to death.


(Small time skip)

I waited until the next day, which was Sunday night to visit again. I waited until it was late this time. It was actually almost Monday. The clock read 11:48pm. Part of me hoped she wasn't awake because I didn't want to upset her again, but the other part of me hoped she was awake.

I pounced from roof to roof until I reached the balcony. I was lost in thought, not exactly paying attention to my surroundings. I landed with a small thud and went to her window, crouching down and peeking between where the curtain and window met but to my disappointment, I didn't see her.


I felt my legs turn to jello and my heart fall to my stomach as I jumped, hitting my head on part of the wall. I turned around quickly to find blue eyes staring down at me.

"Ma-Ma-Marinette! Hi! Why are you up so late?" I smiled embarrassingly as I looked up at her. I could feel my whole face heating up. It felt like it was on fire.

"Why are you up so late?" She put her hands on her hips, bending down until our faces were inches apart, returning my question.

"I, uh..." Think Adrien, think! "Patrol! Yeah... I was doing a late night patrol?" I pushed myself back away from her until my back pressed against the wall. Every time I'd inch back, she'd come closer.

"Patrol, hm?"


She laughed softly and held out her hand.

"You really think Hawk Moth is up at this time of night?"

I took her hand, trying to regain my confidence and pulled myself up.

"Well, it doesn't always have to be about him. I mean, as a super hero, I'm supposed to protect everyone. That includes dealing with other things like robberies and other stuff"

"Right. So, is there anything I should be worried about?"

"No, everything is fine."

"Then why are you here, Chaton?"

I paused, looking down at her thinking of another excuse.


"Because why?"

"Croissants! I like your parents croissants and I'm hungry so..."

"Right. That also explains why you were trying to... I assume, watch me through my window?"

"I can explain that..."

"Go for it."

I froze, not knowing what to say. Sighing in defeat, I looked away from her.

"Fine. You caught me. I just wanted to know if... you were okay."

She went quiet for a moment and looked down sadly before mumbling out,

"You... You really do care about me."

"Princess, I already told you I did. I didn't lie about that."

She shrugged her shoulders and leaned against the balcony railing.

"I'm glad you came. I was worried... you wouldn't."

"Is that why you was out here?"

She nodded and finally looked up again.

"I was waiting to see if you'd come. Chat, I'm really sorry about... yesterday."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it! That was yesterday and today is a new day. We can pretend it didn't happen."

"But it did happen and that's the issue" She whined, playing with one of her pigtails.

"Mari, I'm serious. It's okay. People make mistakes, it's normal."

Marinette finally inched her way towards me with a saddened expression. She pushed her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you, Chat. Thank you for... everything."

I hugged her back with a sad smile.

"It's my pleasure. I don't mind."

She finally pulled away and sighed.

"Well, I have school later today so I'd better go back in and try to sleep for a bit"

"Right, I'll see you tomorrow?"


She smiled widely, turning to go back inside.

"Good night, Chaton."

"Night, Princess"

"You sound like Marinette now! You're stuttering just as bad as she does! You two really would be a good couple." The small black kwami chuckled.

"Oh, hush Plagg. It's not even like that. She's just a friend."



I am NOT making fun of "blondes" in this chapter, if I was I'd be making fun of myself. :')

Also! There's a song I discovered, Just A Friend To You by Meghan Trainor and it is literally Adrien and Marinette summed up. <3

ANYWAYS! Goodnight/morning guys, I have class later and It's 4am. I'll be fueling off of coffee and energy bars all day. College kicks butt, dudes. Pls send help LOL

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