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(If you can't see your see yourself doing it again then don't do it)


"Nhaiwe muka zvaato masikati" says my mom as she bangs my door wide open.
(Wake up it's almost afternoon)

Sigh. I hate waking up early I'm not a morning person. I had been studying for my exams last night and I guess I lost track of time. I am going to sit for them first week of the new semester and I want to be prepared.

I drag myself out of my blankets then do my morning routine. Walking downstairs I notice my brother and parents already eating thier lunch.

"Ah wazofunga zvekumuka" mocks my dad
(You finally decided to wake up)

I let out a sarcastic laugh and make faces towards my brother who seems to be eyeing my plate of food.

"How's the studying my love?" Asks my dad as I joins them for lunch.

"It's been good. I'm going out tonight" I tell them

"Ah no, uri kuverengera maexams hapana kwauri kuenda" protests my dad.
(No, you are reading for your exams, you are not going anywhere!).

"Well I have been reading for almost two weeks I deserve a night out. Hazviite kuti ndingoramba ndiripano. I have a social life dad" I protest right back
(I can't just stay here).

"Mwanangu I don't want you to fail" he says softly (my child).

"I won't dad" I respond and he nods.

Guess I'm going out. I send a message in the group chat after lunch

*Hey ladies, nhasi kujongwe*
(Tonight we're going clubbing)

Ace❤️🌞: Woohoo finally

Bethel ❤️😘: Yes leave the books for one night girl. Blantina you too!

Blantina❤️🍔🍑: Okay since everyone is going. I'll come.

Candy♥️🍑: Yes girl I'll pick y'all up.

Eve♥️💞(me): Okay cool six it is!

I head upstairs to finish studying before my outing. After 2 hours of notes and quizzes I decide to get ready to go out.

After a long relaxing shower and washing my hair, I get dressed in a black miniskirt, white tank top, leather coat and white sneakers. Grabbing my clutch I place my phone and lipgloss in it. I do the final touches on my make up and head down to wait for Candy.

It's 5:45 so I say my goodbyes to my family and wait for Candy in the street. A black minibus with tinted windows pulls up and the driver lowers his window.

"Hesi" (hi) he says

"Ukudei?" (What do you want?) I asks

"Haah chisikana usaganze"
(Haah babygirl don't be like that) he says

"Or what?" I ask annoyed

He smirks menacingly and suddenly the door to the van opens. A group of guys jump out and I start to back away but I hit the chest of one of them, turning to the right I see another one, another on my left and one in front of me. How am I going to escape. Today the streets are awfully quiet and no one is going to save me. They manhandle me into the minibus, but I'm fighting. Crying and kicking as they take me. I can't believe no one heard me.

Tears begin to roll down my eyes and at that moment I knew they were going to rape me. They tied my hands, gagged me and the van took off with speed out of my hometown going to the capital.

I can't believe I've just been kidnapped. Should have listened to my dad and stayed in to study.


Hey guys

Tell me

Biker shorts or bum shorts

Biker shorts all day

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