Chapter Seventeen

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(Don't trust everyone who says I love you)


Acting like I am oblivious to the gaze I continue serving. I had placed a bowl in front of everyone except the Don. I felt my legs shake as I walked to him, as if I was going to have a panic attack and pass out right here. Surprisingly I didn't.

His gaze intensifies with every step. I finally get to him and I stand next to him. I lean over to place the bowl and I feel a hand at the hem of my dress. Horror becomes evident on my face but instead of a hand going into my dress, my dress is pulled down. I turn to the Don and he just has this annoyed expression on his face.Okay maybe he doesn't know yet that I broke his cologne. After placing the bowl in front of him, I turned to leave but he held my hand. I turn to him unsure but he takes off his blazer and hands it to me. Unsure of what to do I look at him then he says

"Put it on"

I oblige and to my surprise the blazer is longer than my maids dress. His scent bombards my nostrils and I relax.

"This is the cologne you broke" my subconscious states.

"Fuck" I mentally curse.

I walked back to the kitchen and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I got a few stares from the other girls because of the extra piece of clothing I had on. I really don't care though. I had made about 5 trips to and from the kitchen, finally the appetizer is over. Katarina was really punishing me. She had all the other girls work on the entree's. At least I'm not going to clean up tables after service.

"Eve, get a tray. Entree's out now. Get help from Luisa" chef Katarina barks.

Sigh of fucking relief.
It would mean less trips and I could take a breather. We loaded up the trays and made our way into the dining room. We always serve the Don first and I noticed Luisa had walked to the second table meaning I had to serve the Don. I served his table and moved to the next. I had kinda got the hang of it because I wasn't as nervous as I was at the beginning plus with the Don's blazer on no one really looked at me. After we were done we returned to the kitchen and sat to rest. Oh how my legs hurt. Other maids cleaned the tables and it was time for dessert.

"Eve, you will serve the Don in his quarters." Katarina instructed.

She is really getting annoying. Everything Eve this, Eve that! I loathe the day she knew my name. The Don usually had his dessert in his room. No one but him knew why. I had to go up to his room anyway. I had a sin to atone for. Honestly I wasn't really looking forward to it because who knows what he'd do?

"Probably shoot you again" my subconscious snickers.

"Yeah thanks Subconscious. Really helps me feel better" I say sarcastically

"Any time Eve"

Holding the tray nervously I began climbing the flight of stairs. Finally getting up to his door I knocked.

"Entrare" he says and I can't tell whether he's mad or not.

Closing the door behind me I walk further in with the tray. Placing it on the table I stand waiting for him to come out of the bathroom or wherever he is in this "apartment" so that I atone. After a couple of minutes he walks out of the closet in grey sweatpants and a white t. I had never seen him in casual clothing before and to be completely honest he looked beautiful. I froze for a second.

I could see his physical features but not as visibly as I could see them in his suits. He ran a hand through his hair and it became messy, a sexy messy. He looked at me and a wave of shock ran through his face but he quickly concealed it.

"Vigilia. You're here?" He questions

I quickly get on my knees and bow in front of him.

"What are you atoning for?" He asks

"I broke your cologne. I didn't mean to. I swear, it was a mistake. I was wiping the counter and I didn't see it, all I saw was the bottle broken on the floor and the carpet wet." I explain panicky. 

"And?" He asks, he almost sounds amused.

I was really dreading this part. Katarina didn't
get punished, or maybe she did but I was busy breaking the Don's shit.

"I accept whatever punishment the Don gives" I say

"Come here" he instructs he says com

Lifting myself of the floor I bow my head and slowly make my way to him. What he does next shocks me, he pulls me into a hug. My body betrays me and I find myself hugging him back. I found comfort in this. His scent was fresh and minty. I felt droplets of water from his hair fall onto my head. I fit so perfectly into his embrace. His large frame swallowed mine and I  felt safe and secure.

"I had a really rough day. Can we go to bed?" He asks

I don't respond not because I don't know what to say but I'm in shock. He wants to go to sleep with me? What? How? All I've done is cause commotion. I even just told him I broke his cologne.

"I won't do anything that will make you uncomfortable. I promise" he says as he pulls away and I'm saddened that he did so.

He looks at me waiting for confirmation.

"Say yes damnit! You know you want to" My subconscious shouts.

I just nod and he smirks. He goes into his closet and I'm just left standing here. He walks out with a t-shirt and he hands it to me. Without hesitation I walked into the bathroom and locked the door so I could change.

"What am I doing?" I question myself


Watch the movie or read the book?

I mean I want to say read the book because when you do you get the full picture because the movie doesn't really show everything in the book but the movie saves time and it's more visual. Don't get me wrong I'm not underestimating the power of imagination. Movies are 2 hours and the book is 1 week minimum 🤷🏽‍♂️.

I can't really pick.

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