Chapter Forty- Two

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(So the journey to a lonely road begins)


The morning sun seeped through the curtains, painting the room with strokes of gold. As I blinked awake, he was already dressed, standing by the window with a contemplative look. The serene morning light cast a soft glow around him, momentarily softening the hard edges of his demeanour.

He turned as I stirred, a spark of something adventurous in his eyes. 

"Good morning, Mio piccolo Luna," he greeted, the nickname rolling off his tongue with a familiar warmth.

I propped myself up on my elbows, still groggy from sleep. 

"Morning. What's with the bright and early cheer?" I asked, my voice heavy with sleep.

He walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I was thinking," he began, pausing as if to choose his words carefully. 

"We should do something different today. Just the two of us."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued.

"And what might that 'something different' entail?"

He smiled a genuine smile that reached his eyes. 

"How about a day out exploring Mexico? There's so much you haven't seen yet. It could be... refreshing."

I couldn't help but laugh, the idea washing over me like a splash of cold water. 

"You, offering to play tourist guide?"

"Why? Afraid I'll run off?" I quipped, raising an eyebrow.

"With me as your guide? Give up the idea, Mio piccolo Luna," he retorted, the nickname sending a shiver down my spine. 

I couldn't help the smile that danced on my lips. 

"Alright, you've convinced me. Let me get ready." I said as I slowly got out of bed.

As I sifted through my closet, a flutter of excitement coursed through me, mingled with a touch of curiosity about what the day might hold. I chose a yellow sundress that seemed to capture the essence of the day ahead—light and breezy, adorned with floral patterns that whispered of the vibrant life outside. I paired it with a wide-brimmed hat, a necessary ally against the relentless sun, and slipped into a pair of comfortable sandals.

Descending the stairs, I found him waiting, his presence filling the room with an undeniable air of anticipation. His usual formal suits were replaced now by a casual cream linen shirt that seemed to accentuate the warmth in his complexion. It was casually unbuttoned at the top, a rare glimpse into a more relaxed version of the man before me. Dark trousers and leather shoes completed his look, effortlessly bridging the gap between the need for comfort during our exploration and his inherent gravitas. 

He turned as I approached, his gaze sweeping over me in a moment of silent appraisal. The warmth that blossomed in my cheeks at his approving look was unexpected, a subtle reminder of the shifting sands beneath the surface of our interactions. 

"Black people don't blush," said Subby.

"I know we get darker" I said and she chuckled.

He chuckled, standing and offering me a hand. 

"Trust me, Mio piccolo Luna, it'll be a day to remember."

Taking his hand, I allowed the excitement to bubble within me. 

"Alright, lead the way," I said, my tone playful yet tinged with an unfamiliar sense of anticipation for the adventure that lay ahead.

The ancient ruins of Teotihuacan stood majestic under the sun, their silent stories beckoning.

 "Imagine the secrets held within these stones," I mused, my fingers tracing the cool surfaces.

He leaned in, whispering,

"They might share our likeness, concealing narratives in plain view, yearning for someone to uncover their depths."

The playful banter continued as we lost ourselves in a local festival, the air vibrant with music and colour. I found freedom in the rhythm, my body moving with a joy I hadn't felt in ages. He joined me, his steps clumsy yet earnest, causing my laughter to ring out clear and true.

"I've found one thing you are horrible at," I teased, breathless.

"I am just dancing awkwardly to make you laugh" he shot back, pulling me into a twirl.

Lunch was a flavorful affair at a hidden gem he claimed was the best in town. Between bites of delicious tacos, we traded stories, each revelation a thread weaving us closer.

"What's something you've never told anyone?" he asked, his eyes locking with mine.

I pondered, with a soft sigh and a slight tilt of my head,

"Sometimes I dream about home," I confess softly, my voice barely above a whisper. 

 "And you?" I asked, quickly changing the subject before the gravity of what I said could be felt.

His gaze held mine, unwavering in its intensity as if searching for the truth hidden within my words. As the weight of his question settled, I met it with a calm resolve, masking the tumultuous thoughts swirling within me. 

"There are moments when I find myself dreaming of simpler times before the weight of responsibility bore down upon my shoulders," he replied, my tone steady yet tinged with a hint of nostalgia. 

"But those are fleeting thoughts, quickly drowned out by the demands of the present." 

With a subtle shift in focus, I redirected the conversation, unwilling to dwell on the vulnerability of our shared confessions.

As the day waned, we found ourselves at a secluded viewpoint, the world sprawling below us. It was a moment suspended in time, our conversation a gentle ebb and flow of hopes and regrets.

"This day, this's more than I could have asked for," I confessed, the sunset painting us in shades of hope.

He squeezed my hand, a silent vow hanging between us. "There's more to life than the shadows we've known. I promise you that."

In the waning light, he turned to face me, his eyes reflecting the dying embers of the sun. The world around us seemed to hold its breath as he leaned closer, his gaze never leaving mine. And then, his lips met mine in a kiss that was soft yet filled with an intensity that spoke volumes. It was a kiss that seemed to bring about a new beginning for us.

Returning home, the house felt different, as if the walls themselves bore witness to the shift. 

As I prepared for bed, the day replayed in my mind — not just the sights and sounds, but the moments of connection, the glimpses into his soul, and the realization that perhaps, in another life, this could have been something beautiful.

"Maybe this is the other life" Subby said with her feet in the sand, sitting, relaxing on a beach chair under a beach umbrella sipping on a mimosa. Her nose was white, with sunscreen and her body was in an orange two-piece bikini.

"Maybe" I responded.

"Thank you for today," I said softly as we settled into bed. 

The words felt inadequate for the gratitude and turmoil swirling within me.

He smiled, then walked into his closet to grab a shirt. 

"Thank you for being there with me." He said putting on the shirt. 

"Goodnight," I whispered as I watched him getting into the bed, a mix of emotions tethering me to the spot.

 "Goodnight Mio piccolo Luna" he responded kissing my forehead.



They needed a day out.

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