Chapter Twelve

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(If it's not me then it's definitely you cause I'm never the problem)


After what felt like an eternity of drinking water and eating fruit Doctor Maddalena walked back in. She smiled at me then said

"You're good to go, there are some clothes for you to change into in the cabinet. Take it easy for a few days"

"I don't think I have a choice to 'take it easy' " I winced as I stood.

"Tell them I said you should only do light weight work." She responded

"Okay doc whatever you say".

After changing I walked out with my hand on my injured shoulder. I was wearing a black t-shirt which was two sizes too big and a pair of jeans with Gucci slides and a black jacket. I felt weird being in civilian clothing. It felt so foreign. As soon as I walked out of the door a couple of guards followed me, I'm assuming this is because of what happened yesterday or I  have to go back to that dungeon to receive my punishment.

I decided it was the former and I walked to the cottages. I walked in and to my surprise everyone was sitting in the lounge. It had to be around 5 pm and we usually got home around 7 pm. Everyone looked at me in shook. Mari rushed to me and hugged me tightly. I winced and she quickly says

"I'm so sorry."

I could see tears pooling in her eyes

"What's wrong Mapia?"

"We all thought you were dead" she held her head in her arms as her sobs become more evident.

"Why would I be dead?" I asked as if I hadn't done anything wrong. At this point all the girls were standing behind Mapia and much like her hag hugged me and were teary eyed.

"People who go to the dungeon don't come back" she simply said as she hugged me again. The colour drained from my face.

"What do you mean?" I knew but I needed my assumption confirmed.

"People go to the dungeon to die" Melanie says

I don't respond but a single tear rolls down my cheek.


After a few hours Maddalena walks back into my office.

"Che?" I hiss without even looking up from my paperwork.

"She's good to go" she says

"Vigilia?" I ask annoyed

"Si" she responds

"Then let her go" I instruct

"Already have. She must be arriving at her cottage now" she says.

"Tell me why you saved her" she demands

"I didn't save her"

"Don't give me that bullshit Ally. You carried her to me. You could have instructed someone else to bring her" she spat

The truth is I don't know why I did that.

Two days ago

After shooting those incompetent guards in between thier eyes, I had walked to her cellar with murderous rage. My intention was to kill her as well, but once I opened the door and saw her lying on the floor in her tiny maids uniform shivering in her sleep my rage disappeared. It was replaced with a small wave of worry. She was cold and had passed out from the pain. Guilt swallowed me whole.

Without hesitation I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder as carefully as I could. The guards outside the cellar looked at me confused when I walked out with her but followed me regardless.

"Call Alessio right now" I instructed as I started on the flight of stairs.

As soon as I walked out of the mansion Alessio was outside opening the doors to my SUV. I placed her in the back seat gently and I took off my jacket to cover her. She seemed to relax and that calmed me a little. I climbed into the back with her and had her head on my lap.

"Clinic right now"

He nodded and started the car. The car roared to life and he stepped on it. I began to run my hand along her hair. She seemed to relax even more.In 5 minutes I was in front of the clinic, I climbed out and opened the door to were she was. A couple of men came and wanted to carry her in.

"Don't touch her" I warned.

They backed away immediately, because of the light I saw her face fully for the first time.
She is beautiful. I don't know how to describe her. Her round nose, small ears and slightly chubby cheeks. Her plum lips and her chocolate skin and her curvy body. She had snuggled into my jacket and I almost didn't want to wake her but I remembered she was unconscious. She really looked peaceful.

I threw her over my shoulder again and walked to Maddalena's office. Maddalena was surprised to see me and a mysterious woman over my shoulder in a maids uniform. I placed her on a bed in Maddalena's office.

"Role play gone wrong?" She teased

"Maddalena stop playing she's been shot in the shoulder." I tell her

Maddalena walks over to the bed and takes a look at her wound.

"It's not that serious. The bullet went through and didn't break any bones. She just needs a couple of stitches." She said

I knew that but I needed confirmation.

"She looks really pale. She lost a lot of blood."
She walked over to her phone and typed something.

In a few minutes a nurse walked in with apparatuses Maddalena required. At the sight of her she dropped the metal tray.

"Eve?" She breathes out


"You know her?" I asked

Immediately she realizes my presence and she freezes.

"Answer me!" I yell

"Y-yes Don Castillo. Her name is Eve, she is a maid in Madame X's cottage"

"Attend to her" I say and walk out.

Maddalena walks out of the office after me and she grabs my arm.

"She's going to be okay Ally relax. Who is she?" She asks

"The nurse just told you her name is Eve" I spat

"No Alberto who is she to you?" She asks seriously

"Nobody" I say as I move my arm out of her hand and I walk away.

"You shot her, didn't you?" She asks and I stop dead in my tracks as waves of guilt overwhelm me. I don't respond then walk away again.

I get into the car and Alessio starts the car and back to the mansion we go. Why did I save her?

Present day

"Maddie I have lot of work to do. Get out" I hiss

"Fine Ally. Bottle it all up, I have patients to attend to anyway since you always shooting people" she gave up and walked away.


Who is Maddalena to Alberto?

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