Chapter Thirty-eight

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(Always have a backup plan)


I heard the bedroom door shut behind us.

"Are you ready for people to see you like this with him?"  Subby asked. 

"I'm not but I don't hate the idea of it"  I tell her. 

"It's going to be okay, what's the worst that could happen?" she reassures me. 

"I already know they think they are racist" I answer and Subby giggles.

The steps he took were unwavering. The confidence he exuded as he descended the stairs gave me comfort. It were as if he was happy having me in his arms, as if nothing mattered to him more than me. His gaze meet mine a couple of times as he held me in his arms. I couldn't help the small smile that crept onto my lips. His grip on me gets tighter with every step so I caress his neck to reassure him that I am fine. 

He set me on the island stools around the island. The floating island was decorated with cereals, cakes, bread, butter, jam, croissants bacon, fried,  scrambled eggs, fried mushrooms, fried bread buttered toast, and sausages. To wash down the food I had tea, fruit juices, milk and coffee as options. There were a few food pastries I didn't know and definitely hadn't seen before. I looked at the feast in awe. This was definitely a lot of food for just the two of us, so I guess we're waiting for the rest of the family to arrive. 

"What do you want to eat?" He asked palming the kitchen island.

"Aren't we waiting for your siblings?" I asked.

"No, they have already had breakfast and I sent them off to Oaxaca for some business." He dismisses.

"So, we are alone?" I ask

"Yes Vigilia" He said as he walked back to me. 

I felt my breath hitch as he strode to me. He turned me from the island so that I could face him, automatically my hands palmed the cold island as my legs spread wide and he stood firm in between them. His cold hand caressed my hot thigh and I took in a sharp breath. 

"How unfortunate that you are..." he paused together with his hand hovering over my core.

"Injured" he finished and patted my core. 

Immediately he left my side and returned to his side of the kitchen island.

"So I'll ask again, what do you want to eat?"

I took a moment to compose myself while attempting to stir clear of his stupid smirk. 

"I will eat anything you want me to try" I said mischievously. 

"Alright then try cornetto" He said with a knowing smirk.

The don feed me cornetto, pane burro e marmellata, fette biscottate, saccottino, maritozzi and cantucci. I was so full at the end of just tasting I couldn't eat anymore. He had been so keen to have me taste everything, it were as if he was a kid in a candy store asking his mom to have his favorite candy, it was irresistible...He was irresistible. He explained how it was necessary and very important for me to learn how to make his family dishes. The maid in me was paying attention. He had only eaten what I had tasted and approved. I often teased him that he brought me down here to be his food taster and demanding compensation cheekily.  


Cornetto is basically a croissant filled with either cream, jam, chocolate, or even almond paste. I had pane burro e marmellata which is basically bread with butter or jam. Fette biscottate are thin, crispy slices of bread that have been baked twice and have a sweet flavor because it's served with jam or nutellaSaccottino is a small soft pastry filled with either chocolate, cream, or fruit preserves. A cannoli is crispy pastry filled with sweet and creamy ricotta. Maritozzi are soft, fluffy sweet buns filled with whipped cream or custard. Cantucci are crunchy almond cookies. 


"I don't think I can take anymore food" I said my stomach filled to the brim. 

A small smile appeared on his face. He walked to me, I turned away from the island to his approaching figure. He placed his hands around my waist and looked into my eyes. My gaze matched his. The silence carried a heavy weight we both ignored. He seemed to be conflicted. His eyes held both certain and uncertainty simultaneously but his small smile never wavered. 

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Just work related issues. Forget about it for now, I'm here with you" He answered. 

I smiled, making a mental note to ask him later. He lifted me bridal style and I exulted. His grip on me again was firm but gentle. He didn't want me to fall and he didn't want me to bruise....more as he whisked me off to the living room.

Gently he set me on the cloudy couch and walked out of the room to his bar.

"Time for those 20 questions and my glass of scotch" he let out a small chuckle as he shook the scotch and glass in his hands as he walked back into the room.

 He set on the floor so that his back was against the couch.

"Alright, I'll start" 


Things are peaceful with these too. A little too peaceful😈

Ooh happy Halloween. 

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