Chapter Thirty-five

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(Money makes the heart grow fonder)


My eyes never left his. They held a lustful glint, a desire filled shimmer. His lips carried a sly smirk. I couldn't think straight. His hands held a tight grip on my thighs as his thumps caressed them. The motion on its own sent a shiver down my spine.

"I asked you a question Vigilia." He remarked.

His hot breath soothing my neck and I let out a moan. The whiskey he had been sipping on hit my nostrils. I am well aware of how intoxication works, but for some morbid reason his steamy breath inebriated me. My eyes drooped from lust and I felt an inch at my core.

"Kiss him" Subby suggested.

"Kiss him" she urged.

I pulled back from him. The crease on his forehead showed his confusion. I took a deep breath and leaned into him, placing my lips on his. A warm tingle surged down my spine straight to my core. I could feel him smiling against my lips as his hands pulled me towards him.

He bit my bottom lip and involuntary I opened my mouth much to his delight. His tongue expeditiously moved into my mouth and wandered in it. It fleetly moved against the roof of my mouth sending waves of indefinable sensations all over my body. An involuntary moan left me in addition to his animalistic grunt.

I felt his hands manuver to hold under my thighs and I became airborne. I giggled and he let out a chuckle because of my excitement. My hands intertwined at the nape of his neck. He walked with purpose, determined to get us to his designated destination in haste. He placed feathery kisses all over my neck and chest earning a tight lipped moan from me.

My skin came in contact with a majestic breeze, immediately I knew we were outside. The moment my back came in contact with a soft surface I knew we were in the backyard. I opened my eyes to be welcomed by a beautiful night sky, filled with stars and a luminous moon. The atmosphere was humid, with still winds lovingly blowing. The Don was still positioned in-between my thighs. His firm grip on my thighs, still firm. I turned to him and noticed his gaze fixated on him. He seemed as if he was admiring my admiration of the night sky.

He moved in closer and I could taste his breathe. The tension between us was building. I could fill my pulse increase and I prayed to God he couldn't. I closed my eyes to timid to keep this stare contest rolling, instantaneously he kissed me. He kissed me with pools of desire which sipped in drops of compassion. I kissed him back with the same intensity choosing to be ignorant.

Ignorant to the fact that all of this was a lie. In this moment it felt real and that's all that matters. Whatever repercussion that came with my ignorance I would regret it later.

"Live in the now." Subby chimed in.

His hands moved from my thighs and searched for the lining of my underwear. I felt his smirk when his fingers curled in the waistband before gently pulling them down. I moved to accommodate him, neither one of us breaking the kiss. His fingers immediately made contact with my clit and rubbed it vigorously. I let out an unsuspecting moan and he bit my lip as punishment for breaking the kiss.

The pain mixed in with the pleasure run through me. His long thick digits moved mercilessly and I felt my stomach knot up in seconds. I couldn't stop kissing him, I had already done that and knew the consequence of it. I wasn't about to do it again regardless of how good it felt.

I set there frustrated. I didn't want to cum this quickly. I wanted to inform him that if he kept going I would be spent but how? My hands moved to his hair and I tugged at it gently. The hunger within him grew and all he did was rub my slutty little pussy harder. All this time I tried, very hard not to orgasm but my brain and body were in a disconnect so my body chose for me.

I moaned into the kiss as my legs began to shake and the pleasure of this orgasm ran through me. The juice out of my pussy squirt out and immediately he pulled away from my lips and knelt in-between my legs to kiss my lips. His fingers grabbed my thighs to keep my shaking legs apart. The pleasure that came with oversensitivity overwhelmed me.

I had never experienced anything like this and I never knew anything like this existed.

His mouth encamped my pussy and all my juices where slurped up by him. He eat my little pussy out like a man starved of his favourite meal. He ate me out like a manic man determined to pleasure me. Every inch of my pussy had been touched by him, tasted by him, devoured by him.

AlI I could think about was how much I wanted to this again, and again and again.

Moans never ceased spewing from my mouth. I couldn't find any words to say and at this point I was sure I didn't speak any languages. I felt his digits thrust into me in haste. Nothing about this man in this moment was gentlemanly and I loved it.

He was never gentlemanly to begin with.

His long thick digits moved mercilessly in and out of my hot pussy covered with my juices. I felt another knot in my stomach and I knew a second orgasm was inevitable. I didn't fight it. I didn't want to. I wanted the pleasure that came with the orgasm desperately. So I succumb to it and it overtook me with shear force. I shook above him juices squirting again from me.

He pulled out his fingers and looked at them.

"Taste yourself." He instructed as he moved his hand towards me.

I opened up my mouth and welcomed his wet, slimy fingers. He thrust them slowly in and out of my mouth as I sucked them, licked them and bit them gently.

"You look for fucking sexy." He said then pulled out his fingers from my mouth.

He unbuckled his pants and pulled down his boxer with his pants. His glorious dick bobbed  up and down before he took it into his hand. His dick was big and had throbbing veins. The tip of his dick was red and my mouth watered a bit.

"My little slut." Subby cheered.

Instinctively I lay down on the outdoor sofa I was on. He smirked as he palmed himself before coming on top of me. Both of his hands were beside me. He lowered his mouth to my ear then licked it before whispering

"I'm going to fuck you into a wheelchair." Hoarsely into my ear.

The dirty words he spewed had me going already. I felt my greedy pussy breath in anticipation of him. Juices flowed out ready to lubricate him. I let a whimper wanting him.

"Fuck Vigilia" he cursed as he thrusted into me.


Sooooooooooo yeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.
Let me know what y'all are thinking. I mean is this what you wanted or nah? Give me a solid review yeah?

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