Chapter Twenty-Three

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(I should have loved you but I loved me more)


I feel a soft kiss on my temple and I shift into it enjoying the comfort it brought me.

"Wake up Vigilia." He whispers into my ears with that deep italian accent and my insides melt. He gently kisses my exposed ear and I become fully awake.

I turn to him to see that he is already dressed. He is in his usual attire of an all black outfit consisting of dress pants and a shirt. His hair is still dump and droplets are falling on to my neck. He smiles at me then says

"Get dressed we leave in 5 minutes."

"I am dressed." I tell him as I sit up while still in the comfortable bed half wrapped into the extremely soft blankets.

He turns to me with a small smile that has the potential to turn into a laugh but when he realizes that I am serious, it is immediately wiped off his face.

"Wait you're serious" he says more to himself than me and I lift my hands in a 'yeah' motion.

"Alright. I'll be right back." He says and walk out.

While he's gone I make the bed and although I really wasn't in the mood I decided to take a shower anyway because I was sweaty and feeling hot. After my shower I clean the bathroom and walk out with a towel wrapped around my body. The towel the don used has already been placed in the wash bin.

I search my duffle bag for some essential oils and lotions, once I find them I get ready quickly because the Don could come back at any moment and I have to be ready. I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed that he had been gone almost 30 minutes.

Sighing to myself and feeling forgotten I slam into the bed face first as I continue to wait. A few minutes later, the Don walks in with a shopping bag.

"Get dressed quickly we're already late." He says and walks out.

I open the bag to find three smaller bags containing a beautiful floral black dress, high heels and a bag.

My eyes widen in shook. This is so elegant and it looks really expensive. Excitedly I put on the outfit. For the first time in a while I'm thankful for the body I know have. The dress fits me perfectly, it hugs my body in all the right places. I twirl in it and let out a giggle. I didn't know how much I hated that little uniform till I wore this beautiful dress.

"An outfit fit for the Don's acquaintance." My subconscious says while still on vacation, this time in a see through garment to cover her body from the sun.

"I'm not his acquaintance." I deny with a brewing smile.

"Whatever floats your boat sweetheart." Shebsaid putting on her sunglasses and laying down on her beach chair.

I shake my head in denial as a full smile appears on my face. I knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts and I turn to the door neglecting the shoes I was about to put on.

"Vigilia, are you done we're late?" The Don says from the other side of the door.

"Almost I'm putting on the shoes." I say back and he says

"I'm coming in". The door opens gently and he enters with him gaze lowered.

I put on the last shoe and I stand up in an attempt to match his height. Finally he lifts his gaze and I watch it move from my shoes to my dress, it lingers on my breasts then he lifts his face to face me. My kinky African hair is in a puff and I have literally no make up on. I can't stop the smile that forms while looking at the speechless Don.

"How do you know that him being speechless is a good thing?" My subconscious asks.

"Girl you said yourself my outfit is befitting to aquatint the Don" I say back cocky.

"I can't believe the clothes changed the way you talk. You're so weird." She says and chuckles.

"No we're weird." I say back.

"Wow Vigilia." Is all I hear.

"I assume you like it." I state with a smile.

"I love it. It suits you." He says still looking at me.

"I thought you said we're late. You can take a picture and stare at it all day." I remind and tease him.

"Yes, grab your bag and let's go. Leave the duffle behind I'm sure there's nothing of importance in it." He commands and he is correct.

I grab the mini hand bag. I had placed some of my oils and lotions in there and all the few essentials I have.

Hear goes nothing.


Hey, what should I name Eve's subconscious. Comment suggests and I'll tell you which one wins in the next chapter.

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