Chapter One

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(Compromise is easy. Sacrifice is difficult)


On arrival in the capital, I am blindfolded with a rag. My tears have not stopped streaming. How do I get away from this. Why me? Of all the girls why me? I wanted to sob but I couldn't my mouth was gagged and my jaw was tired, it was numb. After an hour or so of driving we came to a stop. I was led by two man out of the van into what I think is a house. I was struggling with them. Trying to fight, I even head butted one of them and that's when I felt it. The pain of a merciless slap right across my face. I fell to the ground and instead of being picked up, one took each leg and I was dragged for about 5 minutes till I heard the sound of heavy metal doors opening.

They left me in a room where I could hear whimpers. The footsteps of the one got closer to me and I heard him sniff me as he groped my beast. I inched away from him and I left a hand grip my neck. His hand tighten but I could still breathe. I was afraid. He really is going to kill me.

His hold on my neck was released and I heard the footsteps get further from me and the doors slammed shut. I was still gaged so I couldn't speak. My eyes still blindfolded I couldn't see. Who was crying? I know I was crying too but I felt as if a number of people were crying. Suddenly I felt a hand behind my head and I tried to move till I heard

"It's okay. I'm trying to help" she said

I relaxed as she untied my hands, removed my blindfold and took out the gag. I opened my eyes to darkness. There was complete darkness. Now I know what it feels like to have seen but now be blind. I was scared. She took me in her arms and said

"My name is Jessica. What's your name?"

"Eve" I responded

"How many are we?" I asked

"Well I would say about 50 in here" she said

"Were we all kidnapped?" I asked horrified

"Mmmh" she answered

I couldn't believe it. Fifty families were missing thier members. Fifty families were devastated because we well all missing. I can imagine the hurt my father would feel upon my disappearance. He would be broken and my mother would suffer the most. At that moment I knew I had to get back home.

"Are we all girls?" I asked

"And women" she said

"We need to leave. Make a plan to escape" I suggested

"Listen girl. I have been here for a month. A couple of girls like you, ambitious girls like you have been killed because of acting smart. Submit and you will survive. I don't want you to die, I've seen enough bodies" she said Warningly

"So I'm just going to accept being kidnapped and possibly raped?" I asked angry

"They won't rape you. All of us here haven't even been touched since we came" she said.

I let out a sigh of relief. Some good news in this horrible situation. We fell quiet and I could still hear whimpers.

"Jessica?" I called

"Yes child" she answered

"What's going to happen to us?" I asked tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I don't know sweetheart, but I hope non of us die" she said

The doors open and I lamp was lit. Jessica bowed my head as she whispered

"Don't look at them they will shoot you"

I did as told and I heard pots being slid into the room, as if being pushed by a foot.

"Eh ladies nhasi we are celebrating. Makuenga manje kwatakuzonoita Mari. Eat and please handidi zvekudzoka ndichiona chikafu pafloor." He said and the doors were shut again.
(Um ladies today we are celebrating. You're now going where we are going to make money. Eat and please I don't want to see food on the floor)

Jessica hurried of to the small pot of sadza and vegetables. I held a plastic bag with meat in it. We all sat in a circle and we took our turns eating out of the pots. The meat was counted meaning there was a piece for everyone.

From my observations we were in a tin, like a container. There were a couple of buckets with water and one close to a small hole. Jessica said that's how we dispose the urine. On the other end were thin mattresses about 30 of them. I'm guessing we are sharing and about a dozen blankets. The air in here was still. We had no ventilation apart from the urine hole.

A wave of sadness washed over me. Suddenly the tin began to move as if it was being dragged. A few of us left out a couple of screams only to hearing banging from the outside and everyone became mute. My heart broke at the sight of these women and girls. I could tell most of the girls were 18 to 24 while majority of the women looked older than 40 but seemed very fit.

I can't believe that this is how I'm going to be living. I already feel home sick. Upon seeing my expression Jessica sent me to bed. It was uncomfortable but my body was tired from all the crying, fighting and protests. Missing the comfort my bed supplied I fell asleep.



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