Chapter Twenty-six

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(In a world filled with dishonesty, she's my probity)


To say I am nervous is an understatement. Eve is about to meet the rest of my family. Angelo and Maddalena, she has met but Nichola and Massimo, she hasn't. Family is important to me and that is why I have them living in a different continent, away from immediate danger. Mexico is a dangerous safe place. I have businesses here, I'm involved with the most violent cartel.

I know that it may seem as if bringing them to a place where I most likely have enemies is dangerous but mostly likely is way better than likely in my world plus no one looks into the business associate of the most violent cartel leader they are probably working for him. Like I said Mexico is a dangerous safe place. I really want Eve to get along with them because she is going to be part of my life. I'll make sure of it.

The drive to the mansion wasn't long. I hadn't gone home yet, straight from my flight I came to Eve's pick up point. I assumed she would probably be worried about my whereabouts and the smile that plastered her face when she saw me proved my assumptions correct. She didn't know that smile makes me forget the vileness I carry sometimes. It brings a new kind of feeling within me.

The large gates comes into view and I turn to her to see her reaction...I'm disappointed when I see her sleeping, her head against the window. I smile noticing her mouth slightly open, letting out small breaths. Deciding not to wake her when we arrive, I carry her bridal style. The guards salute me before opening the door and I just nod in acknowledgement.

The house seems empty when I arrive. Deciding to put Mio piccolo Luna to rest before I look for everyone I head upstairs to my room. I set her on the bed and take her sleeping form in. Beautiful women I've seen but none that surpass her. She is more beautiful than the stars and moon on a clear night. Her beauty is of it's caliber, it can't be compared to anything or anyone. She is Eve and there is none like her.

She moves a little and that gets me out of my trance. I decide to walk away from her before I give in to my desires and join her. Carefully closing the door I head back downstairs to find my siblings. I hear distant chatter from the backyard and I assume they are in the garden tanning. The vitamin D is good for them.

I open the doors to the spacious green backyard and smile as I spot them under one of the enormous palm trees. Maddalena and Nichola are talking amongst themselves laughing while Angelo and Massimo seem uninterested in their conversation and are peacefully basking in the sun.

Maddalena spots me first and immediately jolts from her seat abandoning her conversation with her little brother running towards me, with a wide smile on her face. The smile is reciprocated and she jumps on me almost in tears. I catch her and she places a kiss on both my temples, then she tucks her head into my neck.

"Mi sei mancato" she whispered into my ear.
(I missed you)

"Non è passato così tanto tempo" I respond to her softly in her ear. (it hasn't been that long)

"Nel nostro lavoro ogni giorno potrebbe essere l'ultimo. Tre mesi sono tanti fratelli gemelli."She says almost painful soft. (In our line of work any day could be the last. Three months is a long time twin brother.)

"Che succede con i sentimenti? Stai bene?" I joke with her as I let out a chuckle. (What's up with the sentiments? Are you alright?")

"Modo per rovinare il momento, fratello maggiore." Nichola jokes and I laugh (Way to ruin the moment big brother)

"Quale momento?" I joke and Maddalena gets down leaving another kiss on my cheek, to make room for the rest of my siblings. (What moment?)

I hug each of them and I walk back with Angelo back to where they were seated. Maddalena, Nichola, and Massimo disappearing into the house for a change of clothes.

"How was the flight?" Angelo questions.

"It was alright. How have you been taking care of business here?" I ask as it's just the two of us now.

"Same as always...good. The cartel is making big money and is moving heavy product. I brought the books and you can check them later. Andreas is insanely feared. He has become more brutal and is rumored to be mentally ill." He informed me and joked.

"Aren't we all?" I joke.

Andreas has always been brutal. He didn't become the leader of the most violent cartel by kissing ass.

"I'm glad business is good," I comment as I relax into the chair.

"Where's your plus one?" He asks hesitantly.

"Upstairs sleeping. She knocked out on the car ride here." I answer.

"It's wrong of you to get her into this." He comments looking off into the distance.

"You and I both know she isn't cut out for this life and she is a liability." He continued.

"She's as much of a liability as you are." I passively respond and he scoffs.

"The plan was always for you to marry Marianna. Her father is the leader of a powerful gang in England. Think about the territory, the power, the money...We can't change shit for your 'melanin queen'." He argues.

"Are you done?" I ask calmly.

"Yes," he answers.

"Good. Not another word about Marianna while my 'melanin queen' is here." I simply say and stand walking off into the house.

"She doesn't know, does she?" He pesters.

About to snap I turn to him and lock eyes with him "Questo nonti riguarda" I say and turn away walking to the house. (That doesn't concern you.)

I'm usually impulsive and I would have broken his nose but not while Vigilia is here. I don't want her to wake to ruckus. All I want is for her to enjoy being here and not be stressed about anything. I know something is on her mind and for her sake I will deal with Angelo when she's here. I will get her to tell me soon enough.


It's been a while since we've heard from Alberto.

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