Chapter Twenty

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(There is light even in the darkest of hearts)


The rays of the sun beam softly on his skin. It gives him a golden glow and I am fighting the urge to run my fingers through his hair. I had woken up a few minutes ago and we were still in the same position as last night.

He lay comfortably on my chest and one of his arms had slipped under my back and was holding me tight to him. His other arm lay carelessly on the bed. I adored the way he slept. For someone who supposedly murdered on a daily, he slept like a baby. He never spoke or twitched in his sleep.

I looked over to the analog clock on his bedside and my eyes almost sprang out of my head. It was 7:30 am and I usually woke up at 4 am. I guess the comfort I got from him and his bed had my body relax and I actually rested for the first time in a while.

Today I had kitchen duty, I had to prep and help out with the cleaning. Breakfast was in thirty minutes and I know they were fine with cooking prep and setting the table. Man I am going to be in so much trouble. I lay there restless trying to think of a reasonable excuse to not get me whiped.

I guess because of my stress I was moving a lot because the Don asked

"What is it mio piccolo luna?"

"I didn't mean to wake you." I change the topic

"What's wrong?" He asks again lifting his head to look at me, completely ignoring my attempt to change the subject.

"I'm late for work" I deadpan.

"So?" He asks as he snuggles back on my chest, closing his beautiful eyes.

"So, I'm going to be in trouble" I explain a lil frustrated at the thought of being whiped.

"Just tell them you were with the Don" he says not moving.

Hesitant to touch him I look at him. He seems unruffled completely polar to me. I wiggle underneath him and he groans. I freeze. It wasn't angry, it was whinny and annoyed. It was animalistic but in a cub kind of way. It was cute but manly and it definitely caught me off guard.

I wiggle again and he warns

"Vigilia, stop."

"I have to go to work" I say

"Skip work" he suggests.

"No! I would be in so much more trouble than I am right now" I protest.

"Okay fine. You're coming to work with me." He says

"I will not be involved in any illegal activities" I protest again trying to not let my smile break out.

He sighs then he lets go of me and rolls off me. I miss his huge body on me. The heat he radiated and the weight on my chest was gone. He stands then says

"I will see you tonight" and walks off to the bathroom.

I don't respond. I just get dressed into my uniform and hurry out of the bedroom. My walk of cuddling shame was really shameful. I met a couple of maids and guards on my way to kitchen. A few smirked at me and the others whispered after I walked past.

No doubt they think I had sex with the Don. I want to scream at the top of my lungs that I hadn't slept with him, we just cuddled. I felt a little giddy whenever I thought back to our snuggles. Upon arrival into the kitchen I just grabbed the try and went to serve. Hopefully no one would notice that I was extremely late.

My housemate Marisa looked at me weirdly when she saw me and I'm pretty sure it's because of my absence last night. Walking out together from the dining room she asks

"Where were you last night?"

"I-I.." I stutter

"You-you... what?" She asks

"I woke up early and went for a jog" I lie

"Really? What time did you get back?" She questions

"Late. You guys had left the cottage" I lie again as we collect more food to go serve. Walking back with our trays she asks

"So why didn't you come to work then"

"I did I had to clean the Don's room." I lie again gosh dammit. I'm such a liar.

"You didn't have cleaning duties today" she states

"You had prep and assisting in cooking. Why then would you go clean?" She asks again I don't respond to her as we are serving.

"Look Risa, I'm here okay. That's all that matters" I said tired of lying to her.

"Okay Eve. I know you are lying about all the jogging and cleaning. Whatever you're doing just don't get caught. I honestly wouldn't want to lose you" she says and instead of speaking I hug her and she reciprocates my actions.

Luckily for me, no one asks me where I was. It's like people just don't notice me and I honestly think that's a good thing right now. After a long day of work it's finally time for my last chore, dinner prep.

I do my designated duty and walk to the cottages with Marisa who am grateful for not pestering me further about my whereabouts last night.

"If you weren't here, where would you be?" I ask her

"I would be somewhere in Hawaii" she said looking into the further distance.

"Why Hawaii?" I ask her

"My family is from Hawaii and I always planned to moved back there after college." She said quietly and I could see she was getting upset so I said

"Awesome. I'm really hungry. We should definitely eat again at the cottages" I say trying to change the subject.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're horrible at changing the topic?" She chuckled.

My mind drifted back to the morning where the Don implied the same thing. I can't help but smile.



If you absolutely had to pick one would you pick comedy over action or action over comedy?

I appreciate all the love and support the book is getting I'll try my absolute best to continue writing.
Love, Olly

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