Chapter Fifteen

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(The truth hurts but lies, lies kill)


I settled into my new housing unit and it's just like the old one but with new faces. I missed the girls terribly and I planned to keep my head down here. The new matron is nicer, she has a softness about her and she jokes a lot. She and the girls whom I'm still to learn thier names gave me a homey welcome.

The housing unit I am in now caters to the Don and his family. Don Castillo has 3 brothers Nichola 18, Massimo 20, Angelo 22 and one sister Maddalena 24. Maddalena is the Don's twin and she's a doctor, Nichola just finished highschool, Massimo is studying law and Angelo is the consigliere.

According to my roommate the Don didn't want any of his siblings involved in the Mafia but they insisted on helping him take care of the family business. Family matters. No one talks about the Don's parents. Never heard a word or even the Don's relatives. It's either they are all dead or the Don doesn't want us to know.

My new job is assisting in the kitchen and cleaning the Don's bedroom along with my roommate. It definitely has to be a 2 person job because that room is large, it's basically a small apartment. Right now I'm in my maids uniform walking to the mansion with the other girls. I spot Melanie, I give her a small smile and a wave. She simply smiles back and goes back to the conversation she was having before.

I'm anxious and excited at the same time. After our little encounter with the Don we haven't spoken.I am relieved because he's presence makes me feel uneasy. He's terrifying man.
"The man shot you! You better be scared." My subconscious says. He doesn't tolerate nonsense for example my bullet wound. I don't want to mess up his room or food and get shot. Bullets hurt. I'm glad that I haven't had a run in with him while cleaning.

I walk to the storeroom to collect my cleaning utensils. I climb the flight of stairs to his room and open the door to start on my job. Walking I set my equipment down and role the hoover to a power socket. I plug it in and start cleaning the carpeted floor.


My alarm goes off and I groan irritated. I'm exhausted but I have to get up. Sluggishly I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn the water on, take my clothes off and walk into the shower, closing the glass door behind me. Walking under the shower and let the water hit my skin.

The hot water relaxes my tense muscles and I ran a hand through my hair. After standing in the water for a while I finally take a quick shower. After my shower I dry my hair and body then wrap a towel around my waist as I walk to the sink to shave and brush my teeth.

With my toothpaste and brush in hand I hear the sound of a vacuum cleaner as I lean over the sink. Whilst brushing my teeth I walk out of the bathroom. Her head in her work, there she was, vacuuming the floor. She didn't even notice me watching her silently as I brushed my teeth. She seemed to be humming.

Finally she changed the direction she was vacuuming and ran her eyes past me, as if she hasn't seen me. Immediately she froze as her mind had finally registered that she saw me. An amused smirk plastered on my face I watch her as she turned around to confirm if she saw me. Her eyes slowly scanned me from the bottom to the top.

The shock on her face was evident. If she didn't seem so terrified I would have laughed. She seemed as if she was about to pass out. I know she told me that she didn't have a pre-existing condition of panic attacks but I find it difficult to believe her. In am attempt to not scar her I said

"Good morning mio piccolo luna"

"I'm very sorry Don Castillo. I didn't know you were in here." She immediately said

"I said good morning" I simply said as I walked back into the bathroom.

She didn't respond. The vacuum cleaner was still running so I assumed she went back to work. To my surprise when I got out of the bathroom she had vanished. I sighed. I thought we were past this whole terrifying thing. I face palmed.

Anyway I don't have time to be chasing after her. I have a busy day ahead. I switched off the vacuum cleaner and got dressed. Some part of me is relived to know that she is recovering well while the other is still conflicted on why I care about her well being. A little frustrated I walk out of my room and head down for breakfast.

I enter the kitchen like I usually do and as if on cue I see a chef slap Vigilia across the face. She holds her cheek but no tear falls from her eyes. My body tenses. I know I use force unnecessary, I did that to Vigilia the first time we met and I feel extremely guilty about it. My hands form fists and I grab the chef by the collar and I punch her. The chef falls to the ground in shock but immediately bows at my feet. A sign of atonement in my mafia.

"Don please!" Vigilia yelps as she grabs my arm.

I relax and straighten my suit. I walk away without a word. My mood is ruined I feel very sorry for any idiot who's going to piss me off today.


Beef or pork?
Again the song is just for fun.

Pork alll the fucking away.

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