Chapter Five

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Hope's dress

Hope's dress

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I set back on the wheelchair and I was wheeled in to a room where I spotted Hope and a lot of other girls. I could tell she was worried about me and when she saw me she finally relaxed and rushed to me. She was wearing a red dress. I guess her name was Red. Her make up made her look like a model. She was really beautiful. She hugged me and I kissed her cheek as I hugged her. I could hear her sniffing. She was crying.

"Don't cry. You'll spoil the make up" I joke and she chuckles.

The sound of her chuckle calms me. She wheels me to a table were she was seating and talking to other girls. I noticed that non of us wore the same color as the other. Everyone had thier own color. I met Green, Orange and Grey. We had been forbidden to expose our real names to one another one. Everyone here seemed quite relaxed. After that spa treatment there was no way you couldn't be relaxed.

I engaged into casual conversation with the girls and we found ourselves laughing. We were talking about our old lives, here I was uncertain of my future but making new friends. It broke my heart that after today I might never see Hope again. I turned when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Excuse me Indigo. It's time you take your pills" said the gunman.

He handed me the pills and bottle of water. I had been feeling better since I had drank the first three. The pain was still eminent but it was barrable. I think I could walk without a limp.
After I drank my pills the door opened wide open and it revealed Rosa.

She stood there in a black dress. The room fell silent. She stood in the doorway with that disgusting smirk on her face and everyone stood up respecting her but I remained seated in my wheelchair. She looked at me then her smirk widened. I scoffed.

"Hello Ladies can the following colors follow me. Amber, Blue, Brown, Beige, Coral and Charcoal." The girls stood and walked out after her.

A lot of us let out sighs of relief. There was something other than her cruelty that made us feel restless around her. After about 10 minutes. She came back and said

"Green, Grey, Gold, Hazel, Indigo and Iris spring follow me. Oh and Indigo lose the chair. Somebody help the damsel in destress." She scoffs as she walks out. I roll my eyes.

The gunman who had been helping me came and took me hand and I held on to him for support. We walked in a single file and I saw countless gunman. I counted the ones with us; two walked in front of Rosa, four behind her, two behind us and two walked on either side of the line.

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