Chapter Twenty- Four

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(It wasn't love it was lust.)


I follow after the Don and close the door behind me. Immediately I'm followed by two bodyguards and I sigh when I recognize one of them. The Don is accompanied by two bodyguards of his own and he is a few feet ahead of me.

"If you're going to be babysitting me all the time  I have to at least know your name." I huff.

"Adriano" he says softly making sutre that I am the only one who heard him.

"Hello Adriano I'm Eve. Now that wasn't so hard now was it." I mock him.

"Enough talking" he says again softly and I roll eyes.

We get outside and there are three SUVs waiting. The Don waits by the door of the one in the middle I get to him and his expression softens then he says

"I'm getting into this car and you will get I to the one behind. Safety reasons, we can't both die." He says and my eyes almost pop out at the word die.

"Relax Vigilia, it's just precautions." He says as he places a hand at the back of my head and pulls me in then kisses my forehead.

The guards seem to have looked away. Completely ignoring what's going on between the Don and I as if we're invisible. There are no maids around as well. I feel some sort of comfort being the Don's some what secret.

"I'll see you in a short while." He says and I nod in agreement. He commands one of his guards something in italian, shortly after he gets into the car.

"Let's go miss" Adriano says.

"Hmm" I respond and follow after him.

He opens the door for me and I get into the car. Adriano gets in after me and the other guard gets in the other side. The driver starts the car and waits for the cars ahead to start moving. Soon enough the cars begin to move and the journey begins.

The drive from the estate to the private airport is about 3 hours. I had fallen asleep an hour in and slept the whole time. I was woken up with an argument between two men.

"Svegliala" one says to the other(Wake her.)

"No no, la svegli" (No. You wake her.) The other says.

"Stava parlando con te. Non mi ha mai detto una parola, quindi la svegli" the other protests.
(She was talking to you. Never said a word to me, so you wake her.)

"Se la tocco anche solo per sbaglio, il Don mi incenerirà" the other says.(If I touch her even by mistake the Don will incinerate me)

"Se la tocco, mi castrerà e mi darà da mangiare le palle e poi mi incenerirà" the other one whisper yells. (If I touch her, he will castrate me and feed me my balls then incinerate me.)

I open the door and immediately the arguing stops and they both let out a sigh of relief.

"I hope you had a good nap Duce." The guard says with a smile and I smile back.

"You italians and your nicknames. Yes I did thank you."

"This way Duce." He says and I follow as Adriano follows me.

The airport is empty with what seems to be a jet a few feet ahead. There are armed guards posted by the stairs and they give a nod of acknowledgement to the other guards.

A robust "Good evening Duce" follows after.

"Don't say anything to embarrass the Don say something classy like 'Salutations, Greetings, Good evening" my subconscious immediately warns me pacing back and fourth.

"Thanks for the heads up" I say sarcastically.

"I got you girl. You know I want to see you win." She says smiling at me in what seems to be a hotel room.

"Good evening." I say as elegantly as I could.

The other guard who's name I should really learn walks ahead of me into the jet. I walk in afternoon and I can't seem to stop the expression of shock that takes over my face. My jaw literally fell.

The inside floors were carpeted with a beige carpet. The three rolls of seats adjacent to each other were of white leather and the cupholders and sliding tables were of polished wood. It all looked so fancy. The flight attendant came up to me with a broad smile then said

"Welcome aboard the Boeing 767. My name is Selene and I will be your flights attendant today. The cockpit is right behind me and the bedroom as well as the washrooms are right ahead. My station is right before the cockpit. The bell buttons on the walls are directly connected to my station, if you need anything press it and I'll come to you. Would you like some wine to start off your flight?"

"Thank you. Water will do for now. I'll let you know if I need anything else."

I looked around and couldn't believe that I was in a private jet with a freaking flight attendant. This whole experience is wild to me nd it's extremely overwhelming. I brace myself and walk to the bedroom nervous knowing that the Don is behind the door. I remove the imaginary criss on my dress and I knock lightly. Without waiting for a response I open the door, hoping that the Don was decent.

"You know damn well that you'd rather see him indecent." My subconscious calls me out and I roll my eyes.

I open the door to an empty bedroom. I really have confused written on my forehead as I step  into the beautiful bedroom of neutral colors, mainly white, beige and grey. The bed is enormous and the little lounge area beside it is so cute. The bathroom door is open and I can see all the black marble furnishing it.

I let out a loud sigh...

Where is the Don?


Where do you think he is?

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