Chapter Forty

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(Falling in love with who you are.)


I closed the door after kissing her forehead leaving her to rest. I was happy to have spent time with her. I had learned a little more about her, though she had some heavy questions for me. I wanted to answer those but I just did not have the power in me to talk about it, at least not today. 

I accepted the suit jacket Carlos was handing me and thanked him with a small nod. I put it on as I walked out the door to welcome my guests. Already out of the black Mahindra Scorpio-n are guards dressed exactly like mine the only difference being the red wristbands around their wrists. One of them turned to open the door of the second car.

An elderly man dressed elegantly in a tan warm moleskin trench coat, an Armani suit, and well-polished shiny leather shoes, stepped out of the car. He was aesthetic in everything that referred to dressing and could never let himself go outside informally dressed. The man seemed quite tall, even though his shoulders were bent with age. His leanness made him look even taller. His eyes reflected either deep sadness or cool tranquility as they met mine. They bore the color of pale winter mornings. Yet, the look was not cold, at least not to me. The man turned his head to the shoulder, and I noticed a deep scar on the left cheek, closer to the ear.

"That's new".

The man's forehead was covered with slightly deepening wrinkles, which were as uneven as his turbulent life. Bushy greyish brows frowned from time to time, making these wrinkles even deeper, and all this gave the man's face rather a strict expression. His pointy face was framed with short brimming hair.

He held out his hands with thin fingers. Those fingers perfectly "remembered" the softness of his wife's skin, the silky hair of his daughter, the weight of the gun, and the rough surface of a dead friend's casket.

The man smiled again and inhaled the air. He slowly strolled to me,

"Alberto!" he exclaimed excitedly in an English accent. 

 "George," I said to him as I walked to meet him. 

"Always a pleasure," He said as we shook hands.

"I hope so" he joked and hugged me. 

"Shall we go inside?"

We walked into the house and went straight to my office followed by both his men and mine. The dimly lit sanctum of my office hung heavy air with an intoxicating blend of cigar smoke and the faintest sniff of hard liquor. The room, adorned with dark mahogany furniture and dimmed golden lamps, exuded an atmosphere of power and authority. Behind a massive oak desk, I sat like a puppeteer orchestrating the intricate dance of organized crime. My eyes, shrouded in a veil of mystery, bore witness to years of clandestine dealings and calculated maneuvers, stared into another seasoned professional's as I gestured him to sit.

The walls are adorned with framed photographs capturing moments of both triumph and treachery. A map of the world marked discreetly with territories and alliances, dominated one side of the room, a constant reminder of the delicate balance maintained through ruthless negotiations and strategic alliances. Crystal decanters of amber liquid, flanked by two ornate glasses, hinted at the rituals of camaraderie and loyalty that unfolded within these walls.

"I always admired your offices. You should set me up with your interior designer," he spoke, cane in between his legs.

"I'll have someone send you their information," I answered taking a sip of the whiskey poured by one of the men. 

We were only four in the offices, George, his right hand Ben, Angelo, and myself, while all the men were outside.

"That would be lovely." He spoke.

"Look Alberto, this meeting has been long overdue. In the interest of both our businesses, it's high time you got down on one knee and proposed to my sister." Ben spoke.

"Is that so?" I asked leaning back into my chair. 

"It's no secret that I never liked you. It's an open fact, a known truth, and I honestly would have married off my sister to someone of a higher caliber in all regards..."

"You may speak like that to your father and he allows it but I do not. I honestly do not give a fuck whether you like me or not, what I will not tolerate is you insulting the type of man I am." I interrupted him calmly. 

"Whether this has registered in your thick skull or not is of no concern to me, however, I will say it, so that you are aware of it henceforth. In the grand scheme of things, you will discover that my capabilities and accomplishments transcend the ordinary, rendering an incontrovertible truth: any fucking eye can readily see that my proficiency and stature surpass the ordinary mortal, hence compelling the recognition that, in the symphony of life's pursuits, I do, indeed, stand as the paragon of excellence, rendering the assertion that, in matters of accomplishment and distinction, I am unequivocally superior to the ordinary." I said.

"So I am the ordinary?" Ben asked.

"If the shoe fits..." I said throwing my hands in the air in agreement. 

"Okay boys stop it" George speaks. 

 "Alberto, Ben is correct, we've danced around this alliance for far too long. It's time we solidify our bond through a union. My daughter, Isabella, is a woman of grace and strength. She possesses the qualities that would complement your family and secure our interests."  He spoke.

"George, this proposal was between you and my father, and you know better than anyone that I respect his decisions."

"Then your desire must be to uphold this deal." He spoke again.

"That is true, your daughter will marry into the family. We must ensure that this union is one of equals, a partnership that strengthens both our families. What assurances can you provide?" I asked.

"I understand the need for parity. Let us establish terms that safeguard the honor and prosperity of both our families. A marriage, grounded in mutual respect and benefit, shall forge an unbreakable alliance." George spoke.


So yeah. Seems like there is going to be a wedding. Damn, I was just starting to like Alberto.

Sorry for being MIA. Life is lifing.

No comparison questions today, just leave a comment to make anyone who reads it feel better, I'll start.

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