Chapter Four

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(Positivity goes a long way in negative circumstances)


Today was Friday. In the early hours of the day a group of women came in and started dragging 5 women at a time. Opening our pen of 10 they took Hope and four others. Hope protested and I even tried to pull her but I got hit by the barrel of a big gun and fell unconscious. All I heard was Hope screaming for me and I couldn't even respond. My wound wasn't healing much. It still stung a lot and I still hadn't been given medication for it.

I often passed out of the intensity of the pain and Hope would dress my would with salt when I was passed out. I hated myself for that little stunt. Hope was all I had and I was all she had yet I was about to take away all she had because I got angry. She had been scolding me for it and I deserved every bit of it. I was roaming around in my wheelchair, when those women that took Hope come back and immediately one of them pushed me to another room.

"Your full name?" She asks disinterested

"E-Eve Tariro Chigoda" I stutter

"No Indigo" she says as she writes something down on her clipboard.

"Then why ask for it?" I question

"To know name of color" she said.

Another woman came in and pushed me to another room.

"Name?" She asked again

"Eve" I answer annoyed. A sharp clap lands on my face and I turn to her bewildered.

"Name?" She asks again

Still recovering from my slap I look at her then I say

"Ev-" before I could finish she grabs my shot thigh and I scream in agony.

"Don't be stupid, from before room you got name, no?" She said low and her voice laced with anger.

"Indigo" I say in excruciating pain.

She lets go of my leg and takes out her clipboard and writes on it. She then calls the gunman in and they strip me naked and place me on a metal tray and strap me in. My legs are opened wide by the woman and tears start to fall. She takes out wax and wax paper then places it on my lady parts. She does the same on my legs and armpits. Mercilessly she rips the wax paper and it burns. I let out another cry. She applies more on my chin, above my lip and on my neck. My face already hurts from the slaps, so I didn't feel anything.

After this 'spa treatment' she throws a chamise at me then says

"Wear" it was indigo.

Settling back into my wheelchair the gunman who was there the entire time wheels me to another room. This room unlike the others looks like an infirmary. The gunman lifts me from my chair and sets me on the bed. Another woman comes in behind us and she looks kind.


"Indigo" I respond I wasn't in the mood for more assault.

"Okay Indigo, what's your real name?" She asks unlike the others she speaks English well.

"Eve Tariro Chigoda" I say and she wrote something on her clipboard.

"You got shot in the thigh and you're supposed to be auctioned today?" She says looking a little amused

"What did you do Eve?" She asked as she rolled on her stool to me to attend my shot wound.

"Called Rosa a dog" okay now she was amused.

"And she let you live?" She let out a small laugh.

"I'm surprised too." I say and she chuckles.

She dresses my wound and gives me pain medication. She instructions me to take 3 now and 3 more in the coming hours. She was a doctor, and I wanted to be one, but given my current predicament that wasn't going to happen. The gunman wheeled me to yet another room.

This room had a shower and a bath. It smelt cosy. You could smell the bath salts, a lot of Jazmine and mango. The gunman had me seat on a the metal tray and another woman came out from the shadows. She looked calm and upon examining me she asked


"Indigo" I responded

"Any wounds?"

"Shot wound on the thigh" I said

She said something in Italian to the gunman and he wrapped my bandage in tight plastic then he carried me and placed me into the bath. My body began to relax. She added more bath salts and the scent was so foreign but amazing. A girl about 14 years old came, set behind me and started to wash my kinky African hair. She massaged my scalp and to be honest I fell asleep.

I woke up when I felt arms pull me out of the water and my hair was wet. Towels were wrapped around my body and hair. I felt so relaxed. The plastic wrapped around my thigh was removed. Settling back into my wheelchair I was wheeled to yet another room.

This room had so many dresses of all type of colors. There was a make up table full of all types of products and unlike the other rooms two women were in here. I felt my body was too relaxed to do anything. It's as if all the other rooms before the previous one didn't exist.

Wheeled to the dressing table one of the woman asked


"Indigo" I replied and the makeup artist started to do my make up.

The other woman started looking for an indigo dress. When I left home I was a size 38 but now I was a 30 or 28 with a big ass. The dresses were all the same size. After my make up was done I was wheeled to a bed that had an indigo dress and fresh underwear on it. The stylist styled my hair into a huge but classy puff then helped me put the dress on. She turned me to the mirror and she said

"Shoe size"


She grabbed a pair of shoes then helped me put them on. As I looked into the mirror I couldn't recognize myself. I looked beautiful but sad. I was hurt at the sight of my body.

Eve's dress

Eve's dress

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So Gucci or Versace

Versace on the floor!

Eve's dress

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