Chapter Twenty-seven

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(The burning desire of a wounded soul...)


I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The walls were a calming volcanic ash grey and the paintings on them radiated power. I sported a masterpiece of the Don with a lion, and I couldn't stop myself from referencing 365 days.

"Alberto the slayer of lions and tiny women"

I giggled to myself. There isn't anything small about me though. I'd say I'm well trimmed. The months in the crater are a blur to me but I know they had a significant role in the body I ended up with. The rest of the paintings were either abstract or dark masculine shades of color. I would have never thought that paintings could be intimidating, mainly because they're void. Yu can't exactly decipher what the painter was thinking.

Looking around I noticed that the carpets were white, the dresser was a ombre of black and grey, the small coffee table was black with a glass topper and the carefully positioned furniture was of a grey leather. They were two white doors to which I'm assuming are the bathroom and closet. I looked at the bed I laid in, it too was of white sheets and grey duvet covers. The grey was overstimulating yes, but it had a unexpected balance with the white and black.

The door handle turned and I hastily stood from the bed, quickly fixing it and removing creases. To my surprise Maddalena walked in with a big smile on her face

"I knew you'd end up here someday." She said as she walked to me with wide arms, inviting me for seemingly comfortable hug.

She had on a red bathing suit and a white cover over it with red thongs. I have to admit red is definitely her colour. Her black hair was untied and cascaded down her back. Her face natural with not the slightest hint of makeup.

"Doctor Maddalena" I said as I approached her.

"Oh don't be silly Vigilia. You're practically family. I'm just Maddalena." She said as we embraced and the hug was indeed comforting.

Maybe because I was happy to see a familiar face.

"Okay Maddalena." I said still holding her.

"Good." She said as she pulled away. Her hands travelling to the sides of my shoulders.

"I hope you enjoyed your sleep. I brought in some comfortable clothes for you to change into, they are in the closet and some bathroom essentials you may need are in the bathroom cabinets. I also heard from the flight attendant that you loved the fluffy slippers so I had them brought here. Freshen up and meet us downstairs." She informed me then embraced me once more.

"It feels so good to be right." She says and chuckles.

I hug her back and chuckle with her although, I'm not aware of what she's right about. However, I do understand the feeling. We mutually pull away from each other and she leaves so that I freshen up.

Walking into bathroom and I spot some loafers so I grab those and hop into the glass shower. The white tub looked too inviting and if I had hopped in there I wouldn't have came out any time soon. The bathroom was quite spacious with cabinets filled with soaps and creams, together with drawers packed with towels, and hooks with dressing gowns.

The shower had black marble walls and flooring. It was large enough it can fit two people, dare I say three. Quickly, I took a shower and I tried to be out of there in twenty minutes. Slipping into the comfy fluffy slippers and warm dressing gown, after draining off I walked out of the bathroom.

I quickly put on some lotion and sunscreen I found then I notice that, Maddalena had already done the liberty of putting out clothes for me which I really appreciated. I'm certain I would have taken half an hour trying to pick an outfit. She had picked out a pair of blue denim shorts with pocket rips, a green bathing suit, a fairly large t-shirt and a pair of green leather thongs.

I looked at the outfit in front of me and contemplated whether I really wanted to meet the Don's parents wearing shorts. My legs would be on full display.

"Maybe it's a test" subby pitched in

"A test?" I questioned.

"Yes to see if you can do what you're told without anyone directly saying it." She clarified.

"Why would they test me?" I questioned.

"To see if you can follow command blindly." She said annoyed.

"These shorts are too revealiy." I said wearily.

"Girl, just call the Don and ask him if you can wear it." Subby said so proudly.

"Oh great idea let me just yell for the Don to come to me. Are you stupid? What if he's not here?" I retorted.

"You don't exactly have a choice chomie" she said and I hated her when she was right.

A turn of the door nob pulled me out of my thoughts and in walked the Don. He had also changed into green swimming trunks and a black t-shirt. It was so unnatural for me to see him in anything either than a suit. He had a small smile on his face and by the looks of it he hadn't been the water just yet.

"I assumed you'd still be showering by the silence in here." He said.

"Wouldn't you have heard the water running?" I questioned.

"No, it's soundproof." He said with a small smirk on his face. I shy away from his gaze.

"Do you like the clothes I picked out for you?" He asked with his hands behind his back slowly gravitating towards me.

"Yes, I'm about to get dressed." I let out a sigh of relief. Makes sense that he wants us to match.

"Okay. I will be waiting outside for you so get dressed and we walk out together." He said then I nodded my head and he walked out.

"Look at you stressing over nothing" my subconscious mocked me.

"You're the one who thought it was a test." I laughed silently.

"Haiwawo, iwewe you thought it was a test too, so who's the bigger fool." She spat back.

"We're the same person idiot."

I said then rolled my eyes getting ready because the Don was waiting for me. I had the Don waiting. A small smile formed on my lips.


Hey, I still need a name for Eve's subconscious.

Chomie is a South African term meaning friend. Okay haiwawo i(s a shona term) in the instance above specifically is like saying fuck you, we were thinking the same thing in like an irritated tone so subby was saying it while rolling her eyes, you get me? My fellow zimbos help me explain this one😂
Iwewe just means you.

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