Chapter Seven

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(Respect is earned not demanded)


After my wound got dressed I was driven to the cottages. Their were cute white houses with about 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and 3 bathrooms. 3 of the bedrooms were shared and one of for the matron. She had her own bathroom which was great. The houses were cozy. Carpeted and with comfortable couches. The whole color combination was white and grey and it worked.

Unfortunately I was wasn't given bed rest. I got a shit ton of pills and was told I could go to work. The matron showed me to my room, it was large. It had two king size beds and two separate closets. The walls were white and azure, they had this calming effect on me, while the floor was carpeted with a cream carpet. It was really soft and I just wanted to lay on it. There were two dressing tables side by side and they had nothing on them. I'm assuming the shampoos and lotion are in the drawers. There was a long couch next to the door. She sits me down and tell me what is expected of me.

"You are one of the cleaners. You will help in the kitchen but you will not cook. Do not talk to anyone who isn't dressed in a maid's uniforms guards included. You will not get into any sexual relations with any male or female counterparts. You do not look into the eyes of anyone on the hierarchy. We maids, guards, drivers are at bottom all on the same level. Before you do anything that you think could be helpful ask me. You will not question orders but do them as told. You will not listen to any conversations while in the presence of the hierarchy. You are forbidden to walk around and 'explore' you will be shot on sight if found. You need to learn how to be mute and sneaky like a mouse, the don hates noise and he has killed many because of it. Punishments are horrible. I wouldn't want you to find out what they are so do as you are told. I do not want to lose anymore girls, okay. Are we clear?" She said sternly but the last bit her voice softened laced with a lil bit of sadness.

"Yes ma'am" I said she smiled, gave me a hug and told me to rest.

Well so much for Rodrigo showing me around.
After an hour or so the door to my room opened, and a tall slim brown skinned girl with brown hair walked in. She was stunned to see me but her expression relaxed and she walked toward me.

"Hey" I said

"Hello" she smiled, her accent wasn't Italian. It sounded American.

"What's your name newbie?" She asked

"Eve. Yours?" I asked

"Well some call me Mary others Maria but my name is Μαρία." She said

"It's Maria in an old Greek language. My dad loved Greek mythology" she added

"That's cool. I like Greek mythology" I say

"Yeah and I hate it" she chuckles

"Where are you coming from?" I ask

"Work. We just finished cleaning the new block of the main house. The Don extended his house." She says

"You're lucky you got here late otherwise you would have joined us." She joked

"Yeah lucky me".

"Are you the shot girl?" She asks curiously.

I had changed into the clothes I found in my drawer after taking a much needed shower with a plastic wrapped thigh.

"How'd you know?" I ask

"Well the nurse is kind of a big mouth. She told a group of us girls that you got shot by the consigliere because you were being disrespectful." She chuckled

"I did get shot for being disrespectful but not by the second in command. I got shot by the auctioneer" I said in a matter of fact-ly way as I chuckled

"The nurse's version is definitely more badass" she says

"You should go with that one." She nods proud of her decision.

"I didn't even tell her why I got shot" I state

"Well everyone kinda knows that non fatale shots like yours are the result of disrespect. However the don will kill you if you breathe funny in his direction so better not disrespect him." She warns

"He must be a horrible man" I say

"Some days he is. Some days he jokes with us, the maids other days he kills us. You just have to you know, learn how to read his tone because you can't look at him" she says casually

"You are way to calm" I chuckle

"I've been her for about twenty two years. The matron is my mom. She got pregnant with me with the Don's distant uncle. They were in love. However, the Mafia would have never ever allowed them to be together. My father is not so high in the gerarchia plus he was married with a couple of kids. They would have killed my mom and I if she had told them the father of the child, so my mom just blamed a guard who serves my father. Before you ask, yes I've seen my father but we've never met. I've served him food when he visits with his family but we're not family. He never bothered to know me so why should I try. Anyway I was saying, I grew up in this place so I don't know any life other than this. I've served the former Don, that's the Don's father but Don Alberto has to be the worst. You just have to get used to it."  She told me
(gerarchia means hierarchy)

"Wow" is all I could say.

"How come you sound American not Italian?" I ask curious

"I learnt my English from American tv soaps, so accent came with the package" she joked

"You and I are going to be the best of friends" I say and we both laugh softly.

"Get some sleep newbie tomorrow is going to be long and tiring. We are setting up the new block" she said.

"Goodnight Maria"

"Goodnight Eve"


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