Chapter Eight

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I wake up to the sound of a very loud bell. I was extremely annoyed because I hadn't slept much because of my nerves. Maria moaned in annoyance and covered her head after mumbling

"Go shower first"

I wrapped my bandaged thigh with plastic and went to shower. The water was hot hence it streamed the room and that gave me comfort. It eased the anxiety I had conjured up during the night. I relaxed under the hot water and after a while I bathed.  With a towel wrapped around my body I walked back into our room and Maria had already made our beds and laid my uniform on it.

"Thank you Mari" I said

"No problem. The pantyhose can be a little difficult to put on so apply baby oil on your legs. It will slip on literally." She said as she rushed off to shower.

The uniform was a very short maids dress. It was black and white in color. With hesitation I put it on and as I had feared its length came to a horrible stop mid thigh and half of my bandage was exposed, it made me feel uneasy. At least I had pantyhose. I plaited my hair into two cornrows. After putting on my flat shoes, I walked to the kitchen.

There were 3 people in there making me the fourth person. Two girls and the matron.

"Good morning" I greeted

"Good morning Eve. This is Melanie and Alessia" she introduced

"Hi" I said with a small wave.

"Hello" one said after the other.

We set there and waited for the rest of the girls (Maria, Anna and Stella). Upon thier arrival we said grace and had a small breakfast of a sandwich and coffee. After breakfast I had to go to the infirmary to get my wound dressed then I'd join the rest of the girls.

Alessio came and picked me up and dropped me at the clinic, he then came and picked me up then dropped me at the new block. In day light I could see how beautiful the estate was. Filled with vegetation; flowers, hedges and trees. The pavements were well build with Mable and they shone in glorious shine.

The mansion was huge. Its built with face brick. It had a huge foyer. I made my way to Maria and she gave me a small smile as she picked up a box. I could feel the others staring at me. We were probably around over a dozen maids and I was a minority. I spotted four other black girls but that was it. I wonder were the other girls Rodrigo talked about went.

I carried a box following Maria. The rooms were very spacious. They didn't have anything in them expect the boxes we carried up. Today is going to be a long day I sighed to myself. An older woman walked in. She was dressed like a maid however her uniform was long. It covered even her ankles. I wish I were her.

"Good morning ladies. I hope you rested well and are ready to work. This room we are standing in will be the Don's new office. He wants his desk in the middle, bookshelves on his left, the long couch that will be brought up by the boys should be placed on the right. The other inferior items you can do as you see fit. Before unpacking sweep the carpets again. I'll be back with more instructions later on. Go on, get to work." She said in a foreign accent I couldn't place. Almost Irish.

We hurried of doing as told. We had to alphabetize the bookshelves. It was tiring because the man owed a lot of books. I saw a few on mob psychology which peeked my interest. I wish I could read those. I'm going to obsess over them because I can't read them. My brain is frustrating.

After a couple of hours the woman came in again this time with our matron. We had quietly finished arranging furniture in the first room of six.

"Good job ladies. It looks nice. Can you all come with me to the new kitchen." We followed her silently.

This was new to me. My house was always loud with my siblings fooling around and you know how college is. It's loud, it's parties and a lot of wild things. Even in the crate we whispered and laughed, this silence was new. All the girls didn't seem interested in any one. They just....worked.

"Okay so we are going to arrange the kitchen now. The other rooms upstairs have some large furniture coming in so we will get to them after those arrive." She said

"The knives go in the left drawer and the forks in the right. The spoons you will organize according to size in the middle draw. All dinner plates go in here and the bowls in here. You will place the wine glasses in here, according to size and design. The juice glasses in here and the coffee mugs right here. The whiskey glasses are to be left on the countertop. If you have any questions please ask now because I will only come back when you have finished I'm busy elsewhere" the matron spoke showing us the drawers. She seemed annoyed.

No one asked anything so the two women turned on their feet and walked away. Within seconds we started working. Two other girls and I began organizing the spoons as the majority were wiping glasses and arranging them. The spoons were mixed in with the forks and I wanted to scream every time I saw a fork. Who packed these boxes? I mentally asked in frustration.

The rest of the day went on tiring. After the kitchen we went to organize 2 bedrooms and before we knew it we were required to help out in the kitchen. Most of us cut the vegetables and mixed things as the cooks did all the work. This was a lot of food. I'm guessing there is a grand dinner or something.

When our services weren't required anymore we headed back upstairs to finish the remaining rooms. One was a music room and the other a private living room. The day was long and I was relieved when we walked back to the cottages. The girls and I opened the door to a beautiful aroma that tantalized my nostrils. We hadn't eaten since morning and I was starving.

I saw the matron in the kitchen. I was glad I came back to food. The table was already set and we set down waiting for our food hungrily.


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