Chapter Thirteen

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(Money comes with power)


After settling back home I lay down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. If people go to the dungeon to die, why was I alive? I had cried my eyes out with the girls hours earlier. They kept hugging me to reassure themselves that I was really here, that I wasn't some ghost.

Why would the Don spare me? What's special about me? All I've done from the beginning of this journey was cause trouble, I insulted the auctioneer and I even defied the Don. Why am I here? As if on cue Melanie opened the door and said

"Matron wants a word"

I nodded and stood from my bed headed to matron's room. I knocked on her door and she opened it.

"In" she said calmly

I was scared. Not because she would hurt me physically but because she had become my mother. I had begun to love her and adore her, I have a motherly respect for her and because of it I knew I disappointed her. She didn't seem angry though. Her face was emotionless as she gestured me to sit opposite her.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit sore but I'll be fine" I respond

"Good. I called you hear to let you know that I have requested that you be moved out of my care" she says

My heart broke

"Why?" I said as I began to cry

"Because in this cottage we do as we are told. In this cottage we do not defy the hierarchy. In this cottage we do not cause trouble, we do not go around getting shot. We do not draw attention to ourselves! There is no room for attention seeking here-"

"I wasn-"

"You will not interrupt me. There is no room for rebellious idiots who do not care about others. You have put my reputation in the slums with your little self satisfying stunt. I am not a babysitter I am a matron. I take care of fully grown women not children. Pack your belongings you will be leaving tonight. Say your goodbyes." With that she stood up and opened the door throwing me out of her room.

I couldn't stop my tears. My breathing became uneven. I was hyperventilating. My stomach begins to turn. Why do I always have to go against authority? Why do I always have to cause trouble for the people I love? Why do I always do things that take me away from my family? I did it the night I got taken. If I had just agreed to stay home I wouldn't be here I would at school right now. If I hadn't spoken up against the auctioneer I wouldn't have been shot. If I hadn't wondered off in the woods I wouldn't have embarrassed Matron in front of everyone.

What's wrong with me. I felt my heartbeat increase and my vision became blurry. My knees weakened and with that I blackout holding my heaving chest.

"Che cosa succedere?" Someone asked
His voice was familiar but I didn't know who it was.
(What happened?)

"Attacco di panico" someone responded but this person was a female.
(Panic attack)

"Help her" he said and I fell out of conscious.

I opened my eyes in a familiar room. I was back in the clinic. Sigh. How did I get here? I passed out in the hallway. Doctor Maddalena opened the door and she smiled at me.

"I told you to take it easy" she chuckles

"I am" I sigh

"You really need to see that therapist." She suggests

"Its not going to help" I dismiss

"You're just like him I swear to god" she whispers whining

"Who?" I ask

"Nevermind that. You had a panic attack. Do you have a history of it I should know about?" She asks

"I've never had one" I answer honestly

"Okay, do you want me to tell you what happened before the attack?" She asks

"Matron told me she requested I be transferred from her care. I walked out and I passed out" I simply say.

"Eve, bottling it up won't help" she says

"Neither will talking about it" I spat

She sighs defeated.

"So who's cottage are you going into?" She questions

"I don't know. I will find out when I get back to the cottages." I say as I stand.

"If you ever want to talk. Come see me, okay?" She says

"Okay" I respond and with that I walk out.

Guards follow me and I head towards the cottages. I can feel tears feeling in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. Walking into the cottage I pack my belongings into a duffle bag I found in the room. I take one last look at the room before closing the door behind me.

I walk out of the cottage and head to the van waiting outside.

"Hello Miss Eve"  Alessio says

"Hi Mr Alessio" I answer and he chuckles

"Don't call me Mr" he says

"Then don't call me Miss" I shrug

He shakes his head and begins his drive. I notice we are headed to the mansion so I ask him

"Aren't you supposed to take me to my new housing unit?"

"I will. The Don has requested to see you".

I freeze. The Don wants to see who this late? Not me, nope. There has to be a mistake.

"You have to be mistaken. I have no business with the Don" I correct

"You are Eve Hope, yes?" He asks

"Yes but-"

"Then you have business with the Don" he simply says and I huff.

I thought he forgot about our little encounter. He is a very busy man, be shouldn't remember this. Sigh. The van comes to a halt in front of the mansion and I look at Alessio through the rearview mirror and he says

"I assume you know where his office is, yes?"

"Yeah" I say as I unenthusiastically walk towards the mansion.

I'm still wearing the civilian clothing I took from the hospital, so I am getting a lot of stares from the other maids, what are they still doing here anyway? I walk up the stairs lazily until I get to his office door. I can hear chatter inside. Maybe I should just go back, he seems busy after all.

What if he finds you and shoots you again? My subconscious says.

I've never really had an active subconscious but because of recent events she's active now.The thought of being shot has me knocking on the door.

Here goes everything.


About the Eve Hope thing, Eve's second name Tariro translates to Hope in English.

SO mini skirts or mini dresses?

Mini skirts all day everyday

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