Chapter Nineteen

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(Don't trust anyone and only respect those who have earned it)


I walk out of the bathroom anxiously in his large t-shirt. It covers my body till my thighs and it hangs loosely of my body. Honestly it's comfortable. The majority of the lights have been switched off and only a few remain, making the setting dim. It makes the scenery a little hazy which gives me a sense of comfort because the Don can't really see me.

"Quite romantic, don't you think?" My subconscious pitches in.

"You and I both know that I can't sleep in bright rooms" I say

"You haven't answered the romantic part" she says

"It's not romantic. It's just the way a lot of people prefer the room before going to bed" I defend

"Or make looooove" she says

"Subby, stop being so suggestive"

The Don is sitting on the couch and he seems to be in deep thought.

"What should I do?" I question myself

"I thought you just told me to stop being suggestive" she says

"Now I want you to be suggestive" I state I feel her role her eyes then suggests

"I don't know, cough?"

So I do exactly that. I let out a small cough as if I were clearing my throat. The Don turns to me, stands from his sitting position and walks towards me. My breathe hitches from nervousness. He takes my hand and leads me to bed. The Don removes a number of accessive pillows and opens up the blankets and waits for me to get in as if he wants to tuck me in. I shift nervously and he says

"Vigilia, I don't bite...unless you ask me to"

Okay I'm black. Practically I can't visibly blush, I believe black people get a little darker when they blush so right now my cheeks are getting dark. I try to hold in my smile then he says

"How are we going to share a bed when you won't even talk V?" He let out a little sigh of frustration.

"I'll warm up to you... eventually" I respond and he chuckles.

I slowly get into bed and pull the covers over my body. The Don lowers his body towards mine and he looks me in my eyes with his body hovering mine. My breath hitches in anticipation of what was going to happen.

"He's going to kiss you"

I look at him and he looks back at me then smirks as he climbs over me to his side of the bed.

"He almost got us there" my subconscious says a little embarrassed of her misinterpretation of actions.

I put my arms on top of the cover as I stare at the spiky ceiling in the dim lighting calming myself. All I can think about is how this situation did a complete 360. I wasn't expecting this. I honestly thought that I would return his blazer and apologize then he would punish me and that would be it, but innocently laying next to him is and was completely unexpected.

"You have the whole night together babes. Don't label it innocent just yet" my subconscious winks

"You need to be prayed for" I say

"Says the unmarried woman commiting a sin by laying with an unmarried man" she says and we giggle, internally of course.

"You won" I admit

"I always do" she says

"What's on your mind?" snaps me out of my thoughts and I notice he has turned to face me.

"Ummm nothing" I answer shifting to face him

"Is that so?" He asks as he carries his head with his palm

"Yeah, what's on your mind?" I do the same

"You don't want to know" he responds taking this as a challenge.

"Is it bad?" I tease in a little girl voice

"More than bad" he says his tone a little lower than before.

"Is it dangerous?" I ask again he lets out a small chuckle then says

"For the other party it is"

"It is a crime?" I tease again

"The law doesn't apply to me" he boasts looking into my eyes and I let out and laugh then say

"No shit." He lets out a laugh as well.

I have to admit his laugh is contagious and it's quite pleasant. I lay down on the bed and stare at the ceiling again. The Don moves closer to me and again my breathe hitches. He places his arm around my body and pulls me into his chest. I let out a small whimper from shock then I look at him.

He simply smiles at me then he lets his body fall on mine completely caging me under him. His heavy weight makes me huff because of the added pressure on my chest, however, soon enough I adjust. I can't help the butterflies in my stomach. They are so excited that I'm certain he can feel them. Again my cheeks get darker!

He gets comfortable on my chest and places his head between my boobs then turns his head to face the left side of the room. I giggle then say

"I'm glad you've found your comfort."  He lets out a weak laugh then says

"Yeah, goodnight Vigilia"

"Goodnight Don" I respond and I don't know how but we fell asleep.


Honestly I felt like this was the only way to write this chapter. It's basically just these two together and I thought mixing the night with other events like the morning would ruin it.

So do any of you watch animé?

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