Chapter Three

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(Don't introduce people to an energy you can't maintain)


We feel the crater move as if it's being lifted. We let out silent screams as Hope and I together with the other girls huddle up. After a couple of minutes we feel the crater settle. Lefting out a sigh of relief we settled.

~Four months later~

These past four months have been bad. We had been on a cargo ship. Shipped from Africa and non of us knew where we were going. I cried almost everyday as I realized I was never going to see my family again. I was never going to be a doctor, never going to open my own practice. These girls and I are never going to live the dreams we had for our futures and that broke my heart a lot more, every time I thought about it.

After a month or so we had been allowed to get out of our craters. They would open the doors wide and we could roam the ship only on the top deck. We weren't allowed to talk to the guards and we received food. Non of us could escape. We were in the middle of nowhere in the ocean even if we could swim we wouldn't go far, we'd die of hypothermia.

Upon arrival on land we once again got into single files. Forced into vans that took off in speed. Hope and I were together and that gave me some comfort. I had found a sister in this. Sometimes she would cry and I'd hold her or I'd cry and she would hold me. We were family in our own fucked up way.

As we set in the van we held each other. We traveled for about 2 and a half hours, and the car came to a halt. We saw unfamiliar gunman, different ethnicity. They looked scarier than the ones we had. All of them wore masks and they grabbed each of us by the hair and into a building. Screams and yelps escape from us but they didn't stop.

I was pulled by my hair down a flight of stairs and into what seemed to be a basement. There were pens like cattle paddock, demarcating the room. In these pens in the basement had beds just like the ones on the cargo ship. There wasn't much to see because it was dim and the place smelt of something rotting. After all of us had been brought here a women in a white pan suit followed by two gunman came in.

"Hello Ladies, my name is Rosa. Welcome to Sicily Italy. You will be auctioned off on Friday which is two days from now. I expect you to corporate, if not you will be punished. Make yourselves at home. I'll see you in two days." She said with a thick Italian accent. She sounded excited.

She had this smile on her face as if she finds joy in the fear she instills in us. Whatever happened to girl power? Sticking together? She was out here selling us. Stealing us from our family. It enraged me.

"Imbwa yemunhu!" I shouted as she turned.
(You dog)

She turned to our paddock and smiled as she walked towards us. She catwalked to us then looked at me. I was fuming as I looked at her too. Eye to eye, her with that dirty smirk on her face and me glaring at her.

She said something in Italian and one of the gunman came in and dragged me out. Hope cried silently and I saw how my actions hurt her. Forced on my knees in front of Rosa, I lifted my head and looked at her.

"Say that again" she commanded pulling out her gun and placing it on my throat. She pressed it again my voice box. I looked at her with so much anger and hatred. She still had that smirk on her face.

"You're a dog" I said

"So much courage for a person at my mercy" she said

"You are nothing and you'll never be anything" I said

She let out a laugh and from where I was I could see her features much clearer. She was a beautiful woman who must have been in her early forties. She was fit and tan. Her teeth were as white as snow matching her pan suit.

"Listen little lady. I've built my organization from the ground and I won't let merchandise disrespect me"

"Or what?" I dared

Bang! I heard a couple of gasps and some screams of fear.

And with that I fell to the ground. She had moved the gun so swiftly from my neck to shot me in the thigh. I screamed out in agony but I refused to cry.

"Anyone else got anything to say?" She asked and the room fell silent.

"Good" she said then walked away.

"Feisty bunch this one" she mumbled

I was dragged into another room and dropped on a metal tray. A small woman came into view and she didn't even look at me. She cut my pans open and started to remove the bullet. The gunman never left us, I guess he was told to kill me if I continued to rebel.

Tears finally fell from my eyes and I was in pain. The bullet came out clean and all I had to do was make sure I cleaned the wound. She helped me onto a wheelchair as I wiled in pain. I didn't get any painkillers or antibiotics. I was going to suffer until this healed. Why did I have to always be the rebel?

Sometimes I surprise myself. My anger always got me in trouble. She pushed me back to my pen and Hope rushed to my side.

"Tariro, nei uchiita so? Kuda kufa here? Kana waida kufa wakadii kujamba kupinda muocean?" She said with tears streaming down her cheeks.
(Tariro why did you do that? Do you want to die? If you wanted to die you could have jumped into the ocean)

"Don't do these things, it breaks my heart to see you in pain. Look at you all that bravery for what?" She asked as she looked at me for answers.

I just hugged her and told her I was never going to act out again.


Eve's second name is Tariro.
Anyways tell me

Justin Bieber or The Weekend?

I don't know, the weekend? Or maybe Bieber?

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