Chapter Twenty-nine

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(I was an open book, you were just illiterate)


I felt a welcoming dip in whatever I was laying in. The soft light covers enveloped me and the cloud under me had me snuggling further into it. I let out a satisfactory moan as I wanted to stay in this position for eternity. However, my peace was disturbed by a deep husky voice I knew to well.

"Eve, are you okay?" He asked me.

"She's not awake yet, just let her rest. Her body needs to fully recover from the panic attack." I heard her pitch in.

"Non è ancora sveglia, lasciala riposare. Il suo corpo ha bisogno di riprendersi completamente dall'attacco di panico" He asked her, his voice laced in worry.
(She told me she had no pre-existing condition of panic attacks. Why is this happening?)

"Sì, forse prima che accadesse tutto quello che le è successo per essere qui. Tuttavia, tutto ciò che ha dovuto affrontare per essere qui ha causato questo"
(Yes, maybe before everything that happened for her to be here happened. However, all she had to go through to be here caused this.)
She explained to him and I heard him sigh.

"Avremmo dovuto darle un avvertimento."
(We should have gave her a warning.) He said to her.

"I tribunali non la metteranno in guardia prima di ridicolizzarla" (The courts aren't going to give her a heads up before they ridicule her.) Another male voice pitched in.

"Devi solo seguire il piano Alberto. È più efficiente" (You just follow the plan Alberto. It's more efficient.) He tried reasoning with the Don.

"Not here Angelo, not here." He simply said.

Deciding that this would be the perfect time to open my eyes, I did. My shifting in the bed caused the room to fall silent as my eyes met the mirror above the bed. My reflection showing red puffy eyes and pale skin. I seem exhausted.

"Vigilia..." He called out to me.

"Just let her come to. The girl was unconscious." Maddalena instructed.

I kept staring at my reflection in the mirror above me. Thoughts of who I really was to the Don resurfacing. I'm a mere fascination and when he is done with me I will be a nobody again. I tear slipped from my eyes as I continued to stare at the gullible version of a human I was. Why was I so trusting?

I felt a thump caress my cheek wiping away my stray tear. I longed to look at him, my heart's desire was to look into his eyes and find the reassurance I was desperately in need of, but whatever was left of my dignity wouldn't yield to my heart.

"How are you feeling Vigilia?" Maddalena asked me as she sat beside me adjacent to the Don.

"Fine." I responded.

"Okay, so nothing hurts? No headaches, no exhaustion, no chest pains?" She continued asking.

"No." I simply said.

"Okay. Do you need anything? Are you hungry?" She asked with an expression of worry I cold see on the mirror.

"No." I simply said again.

There was no harshness in my tone nor any kind of malice, anger or hatred. It was numb, it held no expression like it usually did. Now I understand how people could be neutral in tone and in facial expressions. I felt betrayed, rejected and quite frankly unworthy. I was alone on my team so I needed to make sure that I kept my guard up. That stung the most.

"Well as your doctor I advice you to get hydrated. So here, drink this. We need to get some fluids in you." She said handing me a glass of water.

"Thank you." I said as I began to sit up.

The Don took hold of my other hand to help me seat up while Maddalena took the glass from my hand and instructed Angelo to help me as well. Again, I was the damsel in distress.

"I'm fine thank you." I said calmly as I settled into my new position.

Maddalena handed me the glass again and I drank all it's contents.

"We'll leave you two to talk." Angelo said as the gang of siblings walked out.

Once the door shut the Don's hand moved from beside him and took hold of my chin, gently moving it towards him.

"You haven't said a single word to me. Are you angry with me?" He asked me.

And I couldn't believe the absolute audacity of this man. Was he dense? I let out a sigh, realizing that he will only use my emotions against me so I decided to lie. I needed to have thick skin if I was going to be around him. Obviously he didn't care for me as much as I thought he did. I am clearly another conquest, another ethnicity to add to his list of women foolish enough to fall for his antics.

What was I going to do? Should I just ask to go back to the estate?

"You are never going to have life this luxurious. Take advantage of it. Enjoy the ride." Subby said

"I'm not a gold digger" I rolled my eyes at her.

"it's against everything I stand for." I continued

"Bitch! you stand for nothing because you have no rights. This man practically owns you and if this is only temporary fucking enjoy it. At least now you know that he's not trying to fall in love with you." Subby said.

"I will not be reduced to a cheap whore. Not even by the Don." I retorted.

"Eve, this is all you can get from being with the Don. There's no marriage, no kids, he's using you, you heard his siblings downstairs. Use him back." Subby pointed out.

"I'll not stoop down to his level. No I won't." I answered her.

"In case you forgot you don't have levels. You're a maidservant he chose to fuck with for some time, just enjoy the ride. Have fun. Eat his money, go shopping or whatever it's just for a short space of time." Subby tried reasoning with me.

"No. I won't be like him." I yelled.

"If you want to survive in this godforsaken world, you will learn to use people. The kidnappers sold you then Rosa sold you and they got paid. The Don bought you to work for him as a slave, he's using you for his own shit that we don't even know about right now. Everyone is using you and you're just taking it."

"You need to start thinking about yourself. Use him just like he's using you." She finished her rant, and I felt tears stream down my cheeks.

"All along I have been used and reused. All along I have let people step on me continuously, I'm done being weak." I said to her.

"Vigilia? Are you okay?" The Don asked as he gently shook me.

"Yeah, I'm- I'm fine." I said finally.

"You zoned out a little, should I call Maddalena?" He asked me.

"No, I just need to rest. I'm tired." I simply said and he got the hint.

He took the glass from my hand and kissed my forehead.

"Sleep tight mio piccolo luna"


Just let me know what you guys are thinking. That was a lot.

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