Chapter Thirty-six

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(I've always enjoyed a lit trouble.)


I opened my eyes to the familiar mirror on the ceiling wall. The glow of what I assumed was the morning sun came lovingly through the window and graced the room. The easy breeze cascaded into the room, making the air seem fresh and kind. The atmosphere itself just felt accommodating.

I smiled lazily as I closed my eyes and snuggled back into the warm fuzzy covers. I was glad to be alone, definitely needed some me time. Shifting to fully utilize the cloud of a bed, I felt a sharp pain in-between my legs and my back ached. It's one of those things that your body does, the moment you realize that some part of you hurts, it immediately heightens the pain. A little shift even breathing wrong and I'd be in pain.

The memories of last night were in constant replay in my mind, every moan, grunt, scream, shout.

"You really enjoyed that huh?" subby teased

A sly smile formed across my lips despite my current predicament.

"Girl it just happened"

"Nothing ever just happens" she further teased.

The Don and I had sex...

at night...


under the stars. 

This felt like a scene straight out of some cheesy romcom. I almost couldn't believe. No one could have told me beforehand that what happened was going to happen and I would have believed them. It was a pleasant surprise.

"What did this mean though?" I asked Subby.

Was this what he wanted from the beginning? Was this his end goal? Are there feelings involved? Is he going to ship me back to the estate and will I be known as one of his many conquests? These questions couldn't have come at a much terrible time. Some part of me hoped that all my doubts would be washed away and the Don would just whisk me away in a whirlwind romance, but even I wasn't that naïve.

"I don't know and I honestly wish I did. We'll just have to cross those bridges when we come to them" she responded.

Footsteps approached the door. A heard a gentle knock before the door opened slightly. The familiar masculine scent filled the room and immediately I knew who it was. I heard him open the bathroom door them closed it behind him. A few minutes later he opened the door and walked towards the bed.

I felt his hands caress my face so I opened my eyes as unsuspiciously as I could.

"Good morning mio piccolo luna" he smiled gently with his eyes on mine and his hand still stroking my skin.

"Hey" I responded as I yawned, my position unchanged.

"I ran you a warm bath. I'll carry you in." He told me still stroking my skin.

"Thank you" I respond. I definitely need it.

He removes the covers and suddenly it dawns on me that i could be in my birthday suit right now. A wave of embarrassment runs through in anticipation of what he'll find. Fortunately, I'm in a big white t-shirt with nothing underneath but hey, that's better than nothing. It shouldn't matter anyway because he's about to undress for that warm bath.

Gently, as if I were fragile, he places his arm behind my back and places another under my knees. Lovingly, he lifts me off the bed and automatically my hands intertwined behind his neck, my thumps slowly caressing his neck. I felt him relax and that calmed me. He walked us to the bathroom.

The room was filled with steam entangled with a pleasant flower fragrance. The room was so steamy I could barely see what was in front of me. Slowly he set me down on my feet, instantly losing my balance the Don caught me. His infamous smirk was plastered across his face and I couldn't stand it, in a good away. It was evident to him that he had fulfilled his promise last night.

I took off the large t-shirt, using the Don as a wall. I had a firm grip on his hand, I'm certain I cut off his circulation. He lifted me once more and softly set me into the bath, which I noticed now had bath bombs and flower petals.

"I can leave if that's what you prefer." He said as if it pained him to leave me.

"No it's okay, you can stay. I'll...I'll need you to get out of the bath." I justified.

He let out his melodious chuckle.

"Ouch, for a second there I thought you just wanted me to be here." He faked a pained expression.

"Oh no definitely not. You're just the muscle." I joked as we both let out laughs.

"Here I thought you were the muscle." He teased.

"I definitely am, look at these guns." I flexed my arms and he laughed, his beautiful laugh graced my ears.

"Oh wow, those are some big guns you got there. Definitely would never want to get into a fight with you." He teased again.

"Yes you'd lose" I joked proudly and again he laughed as he nodded his head, grabbing a sponge from behind me.

"Are you sore?" He questioned with a smirk.

"You know the answer to that." I teased.

"No, no I do not. You have to tell me, I can not know what your body feels unless you tell." He teased with a semi-serious face.

"So what was that smirk earlier?" I smiled

"What smirk?" He asked acting unaware.

"Answer my question Vigilia." he teased and I gave in.

"Yes. My back and nether regions." I told him.

"The warm bath will sort that out." He informed me as he bathed me with the sponge.

Why couldn't it be always like this? 

Us, enjoying each other's company, joking and laughing? 

Why did I always have to hold my heart in my hands, anticipating the end?

Acting like this wouldn't affect me is going to be hard. 

I chose thick skin and I'm going to be fine.


Yeah, I think this might just be a little too much for our little girl.

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