Chapter Thirty-two

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(I don't hold grudges, I remember facts.)


After breakfast, I cleaned the dishes. It was second nature for me to clean up I'm a maid after all. The kitchen was dirty with the counter marble and tiles stained by small milk splashes and cereal dust, I grabbed a cloth to wipe them down before I mopped.

In walked the second in command to the Don, headed straight to the fridge. I was aware he was biting his tongue, so I decided to ignore him and continue with my work. He grabbed a juice box and walked out. Moments later Massimo walked in and did the same. Instead, he decided he had to say something.

"You know, we have people for this." He leaned against the counter sipping on his juice box.

"I am the people." I simply said, now tending to the floors.

"Eve, if the Don's visitors arrive and find you doing housework the Don will lose their respect. It's already bad enough that you're uneducated." He taunted.

"Well sir, I also wouldn't appreciate them walking into a dirty house while 'the help' is around. He can always inform them that I am just that...the help." I spat viciously mopping the floors without even looking at him.

"You're impossible." He mumbled as he walked away.

I felt a well-deserved smirk forming across my face. I hated that I was going through this but I am very proud of myself for standing up for myself. It felt good to tell off the haters. I wasn't uneducated, I was a second-year med student. I would have been starting my third year in a month or so. A lone tear threatened to fall but I took a deep breath and finished my task.

The sounds of cars driving up the driveway caught my attention and had me gawking at the door in anticipation. I sat my supplies in the supply closet and walked back to the kitchen where I had a great view of the front door. The Don lazily strode down the stairs, then ruffled his hair walking towards the door. He had changed into a navy blue suit and dress shoes.

"I hope they hit him with the door." My subconscious wished.

"Me too." I sighed, sitting on the island stool.

The Don swung the door open and beautiful Mexican and Italian men stood at the door. They were over six feet with dark hair, tanned skin, muscular builds, and tatted skin. I felt myself drool looking at them. Their faces had mysterious eyes, straight noses, little ears, and plump lips. Their heads fit perfectly with their bodies and their necks were long, showcasing more ink. Some of the men were elderly probably over 65 while others were a mixture from 20 to 40 something.

They wore different color suits. A couple wore black, some blue, others grey but all in different shades. These men illuminated power. Their aura screamed strength and I was mildly terrified. The Don and the group of men exchanged pleasantries then he welcomed them in. Before I could count how many of them there were, I felt a hand tighten on my arm. I turned only to spot none other than Massimo dragging me away from their line of sight.

I didn't say a word. I knew they were embarrassed of me but I would have never thought they'd hide me. Tears threatened to pool in my eyes but I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. Massimo too had changed into a burgundy suit that was quite form-fitting. His hair had been calmed and jelled and to be honest he looked rather dashing.

"After they step into his office, go upstairs, and change into the clothes on the bed." He whispered as we rounded the house while the numerous men walked into it.

"I would have told you earlier but my phone call lasted longer than I expected." He continued and it almost felt like an apology.

He had let my arm go but was still closely behind me.

"Are you even listening to me or does your kind have partial hearing impairment." He spat.

I was mistaken.

"Loud and clear sir" I answered.

On arrival at the front door, Massimo opened it and then checked if the coast was clear. He gave me a small nod then I rushed in and hurried up the stairs as quietly as I could. The Don's office was a few doors down the staircase and I assumed any noise on the stairs could be heard in his office. The last thing I needed was an angry Don.

Safely making it up the stairs, I opened the door to the Don's bedroom. The bed had been adorned with a navy blue gown that would cover my toes. Even if I wore sneakers under that dress no one would know. It was sleeveless with a tight-fitting top but a flared voluminous skirt. Beside it was a pair of matching elbow-length gloves. Above the dress, close to the pillows was what I assumed would be a jewelry case. I reached for it and then opened it to find a white diamond necklace with a deep ocean blue diamond or crystal on it and matching earrings.




I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say.

"I was expecting you to say something. I hoped it would be positive." He said walking towards me.

I didn't even turn to him but I kept staring at the clothes and jewelry. The Don was now behind me. I could feel the heat radiating from his body onto mine. He placed his hands on my shoulders slowly caressing them then planted a kiss on each shoulder.

"Silence speaks volumes." He chuckled and his sound waves traveled directly to my neck causing goosebumps to form.

"Whatever it is that you're angry with me for, I hope we can make amends. Surely I am forgiven." He continued speaking as he peppered kisses on my neck.

"Get dressed. Your guests are waiting for you." He simply said with another kiss on my shoulder and walked out.

All this looked so expensive, well it probably was extremely pricey. I ran my hand through the fabric of the dress and it was smooth and comforting. Wow. Even my subconscious was in awe. For the first time in months, she had nothing to say.

"Let's get you dressed Vigilia". Maddalena sang from the door.

I guess she's okay now.


Who else believes that expensive gifts can make problems go away? Because I do.

Cheat on me? Buy me a Ferrari and we're good.
Let your siblings be racist towards me? Buy my diamonds and a matching dress.

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