Chapter Ten

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(Trust takes you nowhere. Respect takes you somewhere but ruthlessness takes you everywhere.)


She looked at me with pain in her eyes as a single tear streamed down her cheek. Her eyes we big and brown, her nose medium and round, with plum lips and her cheeks were a little chubby. She had her natural African hair tucked behind her medium ears. Her chocolate skin had water slowly dripping back into the river.

The clear water did her no favour as I could see her, all of her. She was using her non shot hand to cover her body. That shot wasn't fatale it went through her shoulder.
I could tell she didn't know who I was and it irritated me but nevertheless she was scared. Good.

"Do you not know the rules?" I asked calmly

She didn't respond. She seemed too involved in her thoughts and I hate when people don't respond. I fired at her just to graze her already wounded shoulder. She let out an airy scream.

"Answer the goddamn question negra" I command (nigga)

She looked at me with despair in her eyes then nodded.

"Parlare" I commanded (speak)

"I don't speak Italian" she responded

"Yet I asked you a question in English and you didn't respond" I scoffed

"Do you not know the rules?" I asked again annoyed but my gun was still aimed at her forehead.

"I do" she finally spoke

"Yet here you are in prohibited area. How dare you defy me?" I spoke

At this moment it dawned on her who I was and I could see the color drain from her face. My smirk grew wider. She kept glancing at her wound I could tell now that the pain was starting to kick in.

There was something about her though. I couldn't place my finger on it, something that I didn't revolt. I am not one to be intrigued by the help.

"Out" I said as I motioned her to leave the water with my gun.

She hesitated but decided to walk out afraid of being shot again. I don't know why but I turned around. She walked over to her clothes and put them on. I grabbed her hand harshly but she didn't scream, she just looked ahead as if there was something more interesting in the woods.

"You are going to be an example to all who thought of defying me" I whispered into her ear.

Like before she didn't respond although I could hear her hyperventilating. It was getting dark out and I couldn't see her figure in this dim light. The moon had been covered by the clouds, there was barely any light to even call dim. I dragged her by the arm through the woods.

She didn't beg for her life or plead to be forgiven. She was silent the whole walk and for some reason I wanted her to beg me. I wanted to hear her plead. Finally stepping on the marble I knew we were out of the woods. I could see a couple of guards walking around patrolling. They switched shifts every 2 hours so I knew the men here were here when this being wondered into the woods. How did they not see her?

"Guards!" I yelled

Immediately they turned in my direction and ran to me and I pulled out my gun and shot everyone of them in thier legs. They let out screams of agony as each one fell one after the other. I felt her flinch in my grip.

"What do I pay you for? Why are even alive if you can't seem to do your jobs?" I asked

They stayed silent.

"Answer me right now or I will put a bullet in her head and two in all of yours" I was getting infuriated.

"Signore Capo, we didn't see her go into the woods. I saw her going to the infirmary" one of them said

"Do you not know the rules?" I asked them calmly.

They fell silent and they bowed thier heads. It's as if no one around here speaks when spoken to.

"Do you not know the rules?" I asked again raising my voice a little. This startled the girl beside me.


"We do" one of them whispers

"Then why do you choose to not follow them?" I question.

"We apologize Signore Capo. It will never happen again" another says

"It definitely won't." I said as I dragged the girl with me and called other guards to come collect these incompetent fools.


The Don terrified me but I refused to show it. I didn't beg or plead for my life because to be honest I low-key wanted to die. He was close to me and the scent of his cologne hit my nose immediately. It was strong and intoxicating more than Rodrigo's jacket. It was so musculin and it emitted power. It smelt expensive.

His grip on my hand didn't loosen and I was starting to get a little light headed. Must have been from my second shot wound. My arm felt like it was on fire, as if a million fire ants were biting my shoulder. I wanted to scream from the pain but I couldn't. I had lost my voice from the moment I saw him, I suddenly had impaired speech.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as we made our way to a platform. The platform was behind the mansion. It was a marble platform in the middle of the the lon.He threw me onto the platform and I hit the marble with a heavy thud. I finally let out a cry of pain. He removed his jacket and threw it on the lon.

"Gather the others" the don instructed and in about five minutes I could see crowds forming.

The four men who had been shot were beside me and the don in front of us. He had a whip in his hand and I saw him roll up his sleeves. The floodlights turned on an they bombard my innocent pupils. I lifted my hand to cover my eyes to give them a moment to adjust to the harsh light.

"This maid decided to venture into the woods" he said

"And what do the rules say about that maids?" He asks

"You are forbidden to walk around and 'explore' you will be shot on sight." They all chanted.

I felt my heart sink. I don't spot anyone I know which is bittersweet. Bitter because I felt alone and sweet because I couldn't see thier disapproving faces.

"Good. And these guards let her, guards what do the rules say?" He asks again and I could see the men beside me tense

"No maid goes anywhere unattended" they answered

"Good, so now we all know they are in the wrong. Punishment will be handed out accordingly." He announced

I felt my heart drop.


Soo this is bad.

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