Chapter Eighteen

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I had a very long day. DiMaggio's daughter was a pain to find but my men found her. She had left Italy and was in Somalia. She was brought to me today and I had to deal with her. As soon as she was in my care I called DiMaggio.

"Please I'm begging you not to send her to the gods." He says panicking

"That depends on how well you cooperate with me" I say strongly

"I will do anything please. You have my loyalty and obedience"

"Hen house in 45 mins" I say and cut the call.

The hen house is a farm near my estate. It's one of my properties I use to clean my money. It's a well functioning farm with all types of poultry and cattle. I do farm crops, mainly wheat. It is also a base for torture and where I keep hostages. A place I kill my captured  enemies. The dungeon at the estate is mainly for employees. Hence the name hen house.

I drive to the hen house and I see his car in my driveway.

"Let's go in DiMA" I say as I pat his shoulder. I already know he's terrified. The men at the door of the mansion search him thoroughly for wires. He walks in after me and we take a seat at the kitchen table. I pour myself gin and look at him.

"Coffee, gin or tequila?" I ask

"Water will be fine thank you."

Walking to the table I grab a bottle of water and hand it to him. I take my seat and he says

"Please have mercy on my daughter. I've never and would never betrayed you."

"DiMA, you said the same thing when my father sent you to law school. You promised your loyalty. When you needed me to clear your daughter's name after all her scandals and when she needed protection from a couple of men she pissed of because of her activism you promised that, yet here we are." I state

"I didn't do anything wrong" he says

"Is that so?" I ask as I take a sip of my gin

"All I know is that you took my daughter" he says

"So you know nothing about my raid?" I ask

His eyes widen. I sigh in disapproval.

"Use your words DiMA" I say

"I- I..." He stutters

"You signed the search warrant." I state as I take a sip of my gin.

"So how am I supposed to trust you to do the job which this Mafia gave you if you're going to sign warrants?" I take another sip. His head hangs low in shame and I pull out my gun from my waistband.

I place it on the table and say

"I've given you all the chances I could. I've forgiven your shortcomings before. I even considered you to be my father, but yet you remind me why I can't trust mother fuckers like you. Weak links who crave protection and betray for it." I take another sip.

"Why did you sign the papers?" I ask

He remains mute. I hate being ignored.

"DiMA, why did you sign the papers?" I ask again calmer than before as I play with the glass of gin.

"Don, I was under pressure. Some of the man have found a link between us and they wanted proof I wasn't working for you. So I had to sign the papers to not blow my cover" he explains

"You fear losing your job more than losing your family?" I ask calmly still playing with the glass of gin.

"The only job I have is to serve you, and I've continuously done so." He answers a little panicked.

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