Chapter Fourteen

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(Money talks but wealth whispers)


"We are not negotiating further with him. If he isn't satisfied with the offer, find someone else." I command

"Yes sir" Roberto says

"We have ship-"


"It better be fucking important because you know I'm in a meeting" I answer to the knock annoyed. I hate interruptions.

It seems as if the person disappeared.

"Roberto go" I instruct and he turns to go find the the person who knocked on the door.

We hear a couple of screams and what seems to be a struggle then Roberto comes back holding Vigilia on her arm. She looks like she has given up. Roberto is annoyed and curses under his breath. I let out a small laugh.

She's wearing my black t-shirt, black jeans and a leather jacket with Gucci slides. The jean outlines her luscious curvy figure, damn she's beautiful. The large t has been tucked into one side of her jeans and I have to admit, I have never been a big fan of that trend but it suits her.

"Vigilia" I say

She looks at the ground confused then asks


"Gentlemen, you may leave." I simply dismiss the men I was talking to.

After they leave Vigilia is standing there not looking at my face, her gaze is fixed on the lamp behind me. I stand in front of it and she fixes her gaze on something else. I chuckle. She's following the rules now. I walk towards her and she tenses. I wipe her cheek with my thump and she seems to become more tense while a wave of electricity runs through me. Our faces are just inches away. She's sacred. It hurts me a little that I scare her.

"Vigilia" I say softly

"You must have me confused with someone else. My name is Eve." She says firmly which is in contrast with her body.

I smile as I put my hand in my pocket.

"Okay Vigilia " I say and she lets out a little huff.

She's got an attitude.

"How are you feeling?" I ask as I walk to my desk and sit on it.

"Fine" she responds

"The wound is healing?" I question

"It is." She answers

"Did you see Maddalena today?" I ask

"Yes" she answers

"Good. What happened earlier on today?" I enquire.
She looks at the curtain a little confused.

"You had a panic attack, is it a pre-existing condition?" I ask seriously

"No" she responds and I'm starting to get annoyed with her one word answers.

"Are we going to have a conversation or you are going to continue acting like this is a job interview?" I speak out

"I am just following the rules sir" she simply says still not looking at me.

"Which rules?" I ask

"When talking to the gerarchia answers must be short and precise." She says looking at something other than me.

"Look at me!" I command

"I will not sir" she says softly but audible enough

"Because of a rule?" I question

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