Chapter Twenty-one

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(I can't love you if I don't love me)


Its been a couple of weeks since I've seen the Don. There's been something going on at the estate and we aren't exactly sure what's happening. Security is tight and that means I can't breathe without facing a guard. Walking to the kitchen for my serving duties I look at the sky.

Questions swam my mind.

Was the compound under attack? Is the Don taking care of it? Where is he? Is he okay? Is he hurt? And the question I've been dreading... is he alive?

Its resemblance of my mood is spot on. The dark grey clouds look saturated and are about to release rain. Since I haven't seen the Don I've been a little down. I mean I don't miss him or anything thing

"Lie" my subconscious coughs out

"I don't miss him. I'm just worried that I haven't seen him" I say


"Hey Eve" some guard greets me and I offer him a small smile as he walks up to me.

"The Don would like to see you. He's in his study" he finished with his thick Italian accent.

I couldn't help the small tag at my heart as I quicken my pass to his study. All my questions would finally be answered. I took two stairs at a time as I was almost running to his study. As the familiar door came to view, my pace got faster.

I stood outside and tried to compose myself. I could catch a whiff of his cologne and I couldn't hold back my smile. Anxious to see him I knock on the door.

Immediately it opens revealing a glorious looking Don. His hair was a mess as if he had ran his hand through it a couple of times, his black dress shirt clung to his body and his pants set comfortably on his long meaty legs. His eyes roamed my body and he seemed as if he was fighting within himself.

"Vigilia" he said with a husky low voice

"Don" I said with a small smile

He pulled me into his study and closed the door behind me. Giving me a once over he pulled me into a tight embrace and I felt my insides tingle. This body completely swallowed mine and I felt secure in his arms as his cologne bombarded my nostrils.

"Had you missed me?" He whispered into my ears.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything so I hugged him tighter and he reciprocated my actions. Finally he let go of me but still held my hand as he led me to his study desk. I almost let out a small cry at the loss of contact. Sitting in his chair he pulled me to his lap and I set straddling him.

"Go little miss freaky" my subconscious says and I try to hold back my shyness.

He places his arms on my lower back and his burning orbs look into mine.

"You didn't answer me Vigilia?" He spoke to me rubbing my back.

"No" I said looking deep into his eyes as a small smile formed on my lips.

"But I did" he spoke softly

"I did miss you" he finished

"What about me did you miss?" I asked as I palmed his chest.

He moved closer to me and his lips were beside my ear then he whispered

"Tuo bella sorriso"
(Your beautiful smile)

I didn't know what he said but shivers ran through my body and I giggle in his ear. His hold on me tighten then I said

"Is that the only thing you missed"

"That among many other reasons" he said into my ear and I was getting a little turned on.

"Oh yeah?" I asked

"Mmh" he hummed in my ear

"What else?" I pushed him further

"Having you in my bed mio piccolo luna" he whispered again

"I missed that too" I say honestly.

He lets out a chuckle then says
"So you miss being in my bed but you don't miss me"

Feeling courageous I lick his ear and suck a little on his earlobe. He lets out an animalistic growl and his grip on my back tightens.

"Don't tease me Vigilia" his voice low and filled with lust.

His hand moves from my back to the back of my neck, then he chokes me lightly. He pulls my head back then he kisses me. My body lit up. A wave of want and need passes through my body as he kisses me roughly. He bites my bottom lip and I open my mouth to give him entrance.

His tongue dominates my mouth and I can taste him at the back of my throat. The kiss is sloppy and lust filled. I feel the core in-between my legs start to burn. I hadn't had sex in a really long time and my body was starting to crave it.

He pulled away from me then said

"I'm leaving tonight, you're coming with me"

"And if I don't want to?" I tease

"You don't have a choice Vigilia" he answered as he kissed my neck and collar bone.


So blue or black?

I can't seem to decide.

Please show love to my other books. Thank you bye 💗

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