Chapter Sixteen

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Let's just say that the rest of my day didn't go as planned. I mean walking in Don's room while he was there is a grave offence on its own, I had to go ahead and drop the mixture the chef handed me. In my defense, she let go before I had a firm grip on it. She slapped the fuck out of me, only to be punched by the Don.

After the Don left everyone's eyes were on me. Trust me when I say I felt very anxious. I could tell some of those eyes were out of envy, some were out of disgust. I don't even know why. The team I had to work with now was so full of drama. Although my housemates were way better than the previous ones, I will pick my former workmates over my current ones any day.

I left the kitchen sure now that Don was out of sight and went back upstairs to clean the room. I vacuumed the floors and shined them. I cleaned all the furniture and wiped every surface. While wiping the Don's dressing table I dropped his cologne. My heart broke as I watched the bottle of cologne collide with the ground and it shattered into a million tiny pieces as the liquid flowed from the broken bottle onto the floor.

I'm sure I stopped breathing for a while as panic overtook me. Terror set in me as the expensive scent bombarded my senses. The Don was already in a horrible mood and here I was breaking his shit. I don't know what to do. Do I sock it off? Even if I do, what am I going to use? His shirt or a mop? I know if I used his shirt, it wouldn't get dirty because I just cleaned the carpeted floors. What if he doesn't want me touching his clothes? His clothes weren't my department and doing work you aren't assigned to do will get you whipped.

Instead of telling me the rules and one consequence like my old matron, my new matron had informed me of he types of punishments I would receive. Whipping, slapping, getting shot or beaten. Those were the main 4 punishments given to maids. I had already been shot twice! I even just got slapped. I'm not about to get whipped or beaten.

"What are you going to do?" My subconscious asks.

"Shut up I'm thinking" I respond

"You can't run away he'll find you" she says

"Of course he will. I live in his estate" I state a little frustrated.

"Instead of running away. Just stay here and bow in atonement when he comes back." My subconscious suggests

"But I have other work to do. I can't just hide here" I contradict

"What if you sock up the cologne with a cloth then quickly go and finish up all the work you have to do, then come back here so that you can atone before the Don?" Suggests my subconscious

"That would work"

I quickly walked out the room after soaking up all the cologne and rushed to my next task which was to do the dishes. With three other girls, we do the dishes and clean the kitchen. I had made sure to avoid the chef at all costs. Whenever I saw her coming towards my location I would hide in the pantry because I know that she never goes into the pantry. If she needs anything she sends someone to get it.

I had to go clean Maddalena's room next and I made sure that I didn't break anything in there. I know Maddalena likes me and all but I've never seen her mad. I wouldn't want to see her mad because the sweetest people are usually the worst type of people to piss off. Their evilness knows no end.

After cleaning Maddalena's room which much like the Don's is a mini apartment, with a huge bedroom, a walk-in closet and a huge bathroom. I had to go back to the kitchen and start prepping for supper. I couldn't tell what time it was but I knew it was late afternoon. I am exhausted as I walk to the storeroom to put back my supplies so that I head to the kitchen.

Walking into the kitchen I noticed the other maids were halfway through with the prep. I sigh in sadness because I didn't prep with the others I have to be present when the chefs begin cooking and throughout the entire rush hours of service. Hopefully, I'm just assisting with the cooking and not serving.

"Eve, you are serving tonight." Chef Katarina says (chef who got slapped) as soon as she walked into the kitchen. All my hopes are shattered by those words.

"Yes, chef" I say trying not to wince as her the new bruise on her face comes into view. I felt guilty.

I had never served ever. I was always here for prep so I never had to serve. Unlucky me today. The girls who talked about serving had told horror stories of being groped by some of the men. I hated being touched especially after being manhandled when I got kidnapped. Today was definitely not my day.

After a long and tiresome cook, I was tired. Chef Katarina had me working like a dog. Anything she needed she called me to get it. She even asked for fresh carrots and I had given her the ones gathered in the morning by the gardeners. She said they weren't fresh and had me walk to the garden which was a very long distance only to tell me that the recipe didn't need carrots. She was punishing me.

"Eve, carry the first course. Hand her a tray." Chef Katarina barked

"Yes chef," I said as I accepted the tray and began placing plates on the tray.

The much dreaded inevitable moment had arrived. From the kitchen we could hear the loud chatter of hordes of men. I swallowed a lump and walked from the kitchen into the dining room holding the tray nervously. The chatter didn't quiet down which I was grateful for that way I knew that no one was really paying attention to me or my movements. I began to understand how short my uniform was as I leaned over the tables to place the soup bowls and I felt it lift.

I felt a pair of eyes on me.

"You are around a group of men in a very short maids uniform" my subconscious states

I know that but the eyes felt different. It wasn't lust more of anger. I lifted my head to the gaze and realized it belonged to the head of the table...the Don. Shit! Does he know about his cologne?


Be alone or be lonely?

Aloneee. People can be mean and insensitive. People can also be really annoying and whiny😂

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