Chapter Twenty-five

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(His panicle of faith.)


I set my bag on the bed as I take a sit on it, letting out a sigh while removing my shoes because the fluffy white slippers on the rug by the side of the bed looked inviting. My forehead was crised from worry because I couldn't stop the thoughts making rounds in my mind.

"Where's the Don?"

"Is he alright?"

"Did something happen?"

The continuous echo of his words increases my worry...

"I'm getting into this car and you will get I to the one behind. Safety reasons, we can't both die."

Dear God, I hope he's okay.

A knock on the door drags me out of my thoughts. Excitement courses through my veins at the thought that the Don could be on the other side of the door. With one shoe on, I hurry to the door and open it longingly, only to find a brimming flight attendant holding a tray with bottles of water and a glass in it.

I open the door wider to allow her in and she does so. She sets the tray down then says politely

"Take off is in 5 minutes, please be seated before then. I'll come back to give you a two minute warning if you'd like."

"Okay. I'll be there shortly. No need for the warning." I respond.

She nods her head in acknowledgement and is about to leave when I ask

"Am I the only passenger for this flight?"

"Important passenger yes." She responds still smiling.

"Alright" I say and she leaves, closing the door behind her.

"So he's not coming?" My subconscious asks.

"Yeah seems so." I sigh

"He's fine right?" I ask her.

"No he's definitely in a ditch somewhere" my subconscious jokes.

"I can't with you." I roll my eyes at her as I stand headed to the seats.

I spot the two guards I came with from the estate.

"Ask them where the Don is." My subconscious suggests.

"No shit sherlock." I spit still bitter about the comment she made earlier.

"Let the joke go." She spits back.

"Apologize" I command.

She looks at me with an "are you serious?" expression and I look back at her dead serious. Giving up on the fight she says

"Fine, I'm sorry" rolling her eyes in defeat.

"Apologize accepted."

Checking out of my head I decide to sit adjacent to Adriano. I can already see that he is aware that I'm about to speak and he definitely doesn't want to talk. Fully aware that I will annoy him I say


"Yes Duce?" He responds holding back a sigh of frustration.

"Where's the Don?" I enquire.

"I can't tell you." He says.

"Adriano you'll tell me this instant." I command half seriously trying to hold back a laugh.

"I can't tell you." He repeats himself.

"Fine, I'll just tell him when I see him that you hit me with the burrell of your gun. My skin bruises easy." I threaten.

His eyes widen in shock at my threat. I know the Don is a fearsome man. I've been at the other end of his wrath and he is merciless...but to see a full grown man who looks like an italian version of Dwayne the rock Johnson (body wise) bout to crap his pants at the mention of a man not as big as him is hilarious.

"We don't know." The other guard blurts in a panic from the front.

"You don't know?" I ask puzzled.

"Yes, we don't know. Only him and his team know." He responds.

"Why don't you know?" I ask.

"Security reasons. In case we get captured or something we can't release his whereabouts." He says a little calmer.

"Does he know where we are?" I ask.

"Yes he does." The guard responds.

"Is he safe?" I ask concern all over my face.

"We don't know..." Adriano finally speaks.

"But I wouldn't worry about him. He can take care of himself." He finishes.

"I'll take your word for it." I close the conversation and we barely speak for the rest of the flight.

I tried sleeping but it was useless I was restless and constantly thinking about the Don's safety. The flight attendant who's name I learnt is Fabiola kept offering me food but I really couldn't stomach anything. I had had countless glasses of water though, earning concerned looks form the other guard.

After what felt like an eternity the captain finally announced that we would be landing in 5 minutes and we had to buckle up. Fabiola came again to assist me and I let her help me because I was generally exhausted, the worry drained me.

After landing, I headed back to the bedroom and put on my heels. Leaving the fluffy slippers behind I descended down the stairs of the aircraft and almost took two at a time when I saw who was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

There he was, in all his Italian glory standing in the most clichè way (leaning in the car). The golden sun adorned his beautiful skin in way I was jealous of. He looked absolutely dashing with a pair of sunglasses added to his outfit. I could see a small smile form on his lips as he watched me come to him. He took off his glasses handing them to one of the guards.

"Mon piccolo Luna" he greeted as he walked to meet me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Don" I responded not knowing what else to say.

"You still look beautiful after countless hours of flying." He complimented.

"So do you" I simply said and he smile widened just a little.

"Come let's go. I have people I want you to meet." He says.


Guys I still need a name for Eve's subconscious.

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