Chapter Twenty-Two

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(5..6..7..8 who do we appreciate...ME)


After a couple of more kisses between the don and I, he assigned one of the guards to accompany me to the cottage, to make sure I packed and that I didn't get into trouble. I was the only one in the cottage since technically its still working hours, I packed in peace without watchful eyes or nagging questions. I didn't have much to pack anyway expect some toiletries, underwear and that infamous indigo dress.

I packed all of this in the duffle bag I got when I switched houses. I couldn't help the nerves I was feeling. What was this brewing between the Don and I? I had witnessed first hand how he was like when he was angry, did I want to be involved with someone like that? All these thoughts roamed my mind as I walked out the front door and closed it behind me.

"Miss, hand over your bag please." The guard said and I jumped a little since I was preoccupied with my thoughts.

"Get yourself together and stop thinking about the future. Focus on the now babes" my subconscious said to me while in a red sequent bikini, sipping on a cocktail and laying on a beach chair at the beach with a large umbrella hat on and sunglasses.

"Girl how are you in Dubai on vacation?" I questioned her.

"I took a break from work. You're a handle full." She answered.

"We're the same person." I stated.

"No sweetheart we're not. I'm beautiful" she said and sipped her cocktail clearly indicating that this conversation was over.

I roll my eyes at her and I notice the big guy looking at me confused.

Again he says
"Miss, bag"

"No it's okay I can carry it myself" I answered.

Tired of my absent mindedness and my refusal he grabs the duffel bag from my hands and slings it over his back.

"Don would kill me if I let you" he states as he takes hold of his gun on his other shoulder and signals me to start walking.

"You know I'm not going to run away" I say as we begin our walk back to the mansion.

"You're the one who got into the woods...yes" he questions.

"Yes b-"

"Then gun is necessary" he interrupts me.

"I only ran once." I inform him as we continue walking.

"Once is enough." He states and I know that's the end of our conversation.

Finally getting back to the mansion, I'm led by the guard back to the Don's study. He nods his head as a form of greeting to his fellow guards. Upon arrival to the study he opens the door for me and I set my eyes on the Don who is shuffling through his paperwork.

The bag is set on the floor and the guard salutes the Don and walks out closing the door behind himself.

"I see you packed quickly." He says.

"Well...there wasn't much to pack." I respond walking towards a comfortable looking couch.

"That's good" he says still focusing on his work.

"Why?" I question him.

"I get to buy you things" he simply says as I take a seat on the beautiful leather couch.

My heart skips a beat. I loved fashion back home and I was a trend follower. Clothes and shoes were my love language. I know I sound like a golddigger but I bought all my clothes back home by myself with my money or my father's money. I used to have a paying job at Chicken Inn back home.

Sigh...I miss home. I miss my friends. I miss my family more. Are they still looking for me or they've given up? Have they forgotten me? Is my dad still alive? His heart condition could've killed him because of my sudden disappearance. If forgetting me keeps him alive, I pray he forgets about me.

I miss Hope. I miss her the most. I might not be able to see anyone else but I sure hope I bump into her somewhere. I'm brought out of my thoughts by the Don's hand caressing my cheek.

"Are you okay mon piccolo luna?" He asks.

"Yes I'm okay." I tell him.

"If something is wrong, you can tell me." He says.

"No I'm fine" I say.

He nods his head and grabs my bag, signaling me to follow him. He opens the door and waits for me to walk out before he does. I utter a small thank you and awkwardly wait for his as he locks his study and we start walking to his mini apartment.

"You can talk a nap mon piccolo luna. I just need to take a shower and we'll leave right after."

I nod and get comfortable while he's getting into the shower. I don't know when but I drift off to sleep.


So hey

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