Chapter Forty-Eight

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(Keep going, you got this.)


I woke in the middle of the night, the barn silent except for the occasional rustle of hay. Subby's voice echoed in my mind, urgent and insistent.

"Eve, wake up. We need to leave now."

I sat up, my heart racing. "What? Why?"

"Something's not right. You need to trust me. Get out of here, now," Subby urged.

I grabbed the small pouch of coins and the clothes Lucas had given me, hastily stuffing them into a bag Lucas had given me as well. Quietly, I crept to the barn door and peeked outside. The village was dark and still, but in the distance, I saw headlights approaching, cutting through the darkness like sharp knives.

"Cars," Subby whispered. "They're coming for you. Run!"

"I knew he was too good to be true" I huffed.

"There is probably a price for him turning us in." She said sadly.

Fear surged through me, and I slipped out of the barn, keeping low and moving swiftly. The approaching cars grew louder, their engines a menacing hum in the quiet night. I veered off the path, heading towards the back of the village, looking for a place to hide.

I spotted an old pickup truck parked behind a shed. Without hesitation, I ran towards it, my breath coming in quick, panicked gasps. I hopped into the back. The trailer had crates of different kinds of vegetables. 

"He might be going to a town," Subby said hopefully.

My heart pounded as I waited, praying that no one had seen me. The cars arrived, their headlights flooding the village. I could hear voices, harsh and demanding, as the Don's men began their search. My whole body trembled with fear, every second feeling like an eternity.

"Stay calm, Chomie," Subby whispered. 

"We'll get through this."

Suddenly, the pickup truck roared to life. I froze, realizing that I wasn't alone. The driver hadn't noticed me yet mostly likely cause of the tent covering the trailer, focused on starting the engine and getting the truck moving. As the truck began to roll, I pressed myself further into the shadows, hoping to remain unseen.

The truck rumbled down the dirt road, away from the village and the danger it held. I dared to peek over the tent and saw the village receding behind us, the headlights of the cars now distant glimmers.

The driver, a burly man with a weathered face, seemed unaware of his hidden passenger. I remained silent, my breaths shallow and my body tense. The road stretched out ahead, dark and winding, leading us further away from the village and deeper into the unknown.

After what felt like an eternity, the truck slowed and turned off the main road, the rough ride jostling me in my hidden spot beneath the dashboard. I held my breath, hoping the driver wouldn't notice me. The truck continued for a bit before coming to a stop. I dared to peek out and saw we had reached the outskirts of a small town. The early morning light cast a soft glow over the scene, revealing quaint houses and quiet streets.

The driver got out, stretching and muttering to himself as he walked away, presumably to grab a coffee or some breakfast. Seizing my chance, I quietly pushed the crates aside and slipped out of the truck, making sure to stay out of sight.

"Think we are far enough?" I asked Subby, scanning the unfamiliar surroundings.

"I hope so. We need to find a safe place to rest and figure out our next move," Subby replied.

I moved cautiously through the streets. The town was just beginning to wake up, with a few early risers out and about. I ducked into an alleyway, pulling the scarf up to cover my hair and face, hoping to avoid recognition.

"First, food and water," Subby reminded me. 

"And then we need to find a way to get some money."

I nodded, heading towards what looked like a small market. Vendors were setting up their stalls, and the smell of freshly baked bread made my stomach growl. I waited until a vendor turned his back, then quickly grabbed an apple and a loaf of bread, tucking them into my bag.

"Look at you, my little thief," Subby said proudly.

"You shouldn't be proud" I chuckled

As I walked through the town, I kept my eyes peeled for any signs of danger. I spotted a small, rundown inn at the edge of town and decided to take a chance. The inn looked like the kind of place where people wouldn't ask too many questions. I slipped inside and approached the counter, where a tired-looking woman was flipping through a ledger.

"Excuse me," I said, keeping my voice low. "I need a room for a night."

The woman glanced up, her eyes taking in my disheveled appearance. 

"Got money?" she asked gruffly.

I nodded, pulling out a few coins from the pouch Lucas had given me. She eyed them for a moment, then nodded and handed me a key.

"Second floor, third door on the left," she said, her attention already shifting back to her ledger.

I thanked her and made my way up the creaky stairs, finding my room and locking the door behind me. The room was small and shabby, but it was a safe haven for now. I sank onto the bed, exhaustion finally catching up with me.

"Rest for a bit. We'll figure out our next steps soon." Subby said softly.

I nodded, lying down and closing my eyes. The events of the past few days replayed in my mind, but despite the fear and uncertainty, I felt a glimmer of hope. I was free, I had survived another day, and with Subby's help, I would find a way to rebuild my life. I drifted into a light sleep, my mind already working on a plan for what to do next.


Smells like Alberto's POV coming up.

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