Chapter Nine

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(Power comes with menacing ways)


It's been a week since I got here and I gotten accustomed to my role and how things worked. I had gotten accustomed to the silence during work and the routine I had no control over. I knew how to clean but the word cleaning in this place had an entirely different meaning. We left no carpet unturned, no cris on the bed, no dust on any surface, no mark on the windows and the floors shone as bright as the sun. We shined the floors till we could see our reflection in them.

I missed Hope terribly. I had secretly hoped she would be here, pan intended. However, after speaking to some of the girls I had realized that I was the only one from my auction. The Mafia was clever. I'll give them that. They picked only one girl from each auction to isolate her. Like myself she would be alone in this foreign place and would fall into place because again like me she didn't have any other option.

To be honest I missed home terribly. Every now and again I would cry thinking of my medical career and my very very bleak future. I often thought of my father and how he's heart is probably broken. How he might be in hospital because of my disappearance. My heart ached a lot. I thought of my mother and how she loved to hear me sing as I went about my day and my brother. My little brother who looked up to me and always want to be like me; focused and driven. However, he enjoyed teasing me whenever he got the chance as annoying as it was I miss it.

I used to be a talkative girl but now I've adopted the nature of muteness. When I look in the mirror I don't see myself. I don't recognize who I've become. I often feel self pity and I hate the image I see. I've lost a considerable amount of weight. I used to be a size 38 now I'm a size 28. Not to my liking I have developed curves because of my weight loss. I always had a slim waist but now I had hips that made me look like an hourglass. I wasn't too well defined because my hips weren't that wide. My ass has refused to become smaller. If anything it's grown a bit.

I have this beautiful body, the body I'd always dreamed of having but I didn't want it. I didn't want it because I didn't get it from long hours in the gym. There was no hard work or determination I could talk about. There weren't any tears of frustration when I didn't meet my intended goal for the weak, but there were tears of sorrow and longing. I got this from starving myself in my sorrow. Shying away from food because I wanted to die. I have lost my zeal for food.

I missed my chubby self. I missed knowing that I had to go in a couple of stores to find my size. Not that I'd be shopping anywhere given my predicament. I missed my friends telling me to get into shape. I missed sneaking out of my father's house to go party. I missed the authority my father had over me. I love my family dearly and I miss them horribly.

Today I was yet again in the kitchen. Chopping ingredients helping out the chefs. I found comfort in this because it made me nostalgic. I used to cook with my mom every chance I could. Tears streamed down my eyes and if anyone asked, which I highly doubt, I would blame the onion. Wiping away my tears I handed the chef the ingredients and headed to the sink to do the dishes.

After my chores I decided to go to the clinic and get my wound dressed. It was healing really well and I didn't need to bandage an entire section of my thigh now. I just had a patch bandage. Walking around I took in the beautiful scenery. I was so caught up in my life that I forgot to appreciate mother nature. It was the end of August and the fall was near. The leaves danced swiftly to the rhythm of the wind and the gentle breeze caressed my cheek. The scenery of the violet sky and the browning leaves had the tension I left in my muscles disappear.

Finally getting to the clinic I went it and had my closing wound dressed. The nurse gave me a tube of ointment and told me I didn't need to bandage my wound and there was no need for me to come back here. Walking out I decided to wonder into the woods near the cottages. I would be quick and no one would see me. Everyone was too occupied with thier duties to look for me. I just needed to be alone so that I could breathe and fantasize about going back home.

Without hesitation I left the marble pavement and ventured into the woods. I walked with my hands in my jacket, searching the ground for anything that could harm me. I didn't need a wound I couldn't explain. I heard the sound of water hitting rocks smoothly, I couldn't hold back my smile. I hurried to the water body filled with excitement. Finally getting to it my smile grew wider. Without thinking I undressed. Placing my belongings neatly on a rock I walked into the water in my birthday suit. I relaxed. Closing my eyes as I floated.


I let out a cry of agony as I opened my eyes to see where I'd been hit. I felt the wave of excruciating pain overcome me as a single tear streamed down my cheek. Looking around in pain I saw a gorgeous man; jet black hair, chiselled jawline, small round green eyes dark with anger, his nose was long and thin, with a long neck and small ears. He stood there with his gun drawn in his black turtleneck and trousers paired with a black blazer. His suede boots disappeared into his slack.

I could tell that was my warning shot. He had a tiny smirk on his face as he looked at me while I desperately used my hand to try cover my body. He radiated power. Although I didn't know who he was I knew he was important. He had to be part of the hierarchy.

Either way

I am fucked.


Okay now the story is beginning.

Pills or injections?

Pills. Any day. I hate needles

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