Chapter Six

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(Good things never come easy)


We drove for about an hour till I couldn't see the city anymore. We were in a highway with forests as the view. I could barely see anything other than tress. He took a sharp left turn onto a dirt road I didn't know was there I let a little yelp and he ignored it.

After 15 minutes a steel gate came into view and what looked like a 5 metre tall wall. I couldn't see anything beyond it. It was dark and the only light that illuminated were the car lights. The gate automatically opened and that's when I saw them.


A horde of them. They wore all black and blended perfectly into the night. They seemed highly alert. They were littered everywhere in numbers of 3 to 4. My breath hitched. I was terrified. One minor error and I'm gone. Surely one of them wouldn't hesitate to shoot me.

The car stopped then the second in command to the Don said
"Get out. Wait here for the van that is coming, do not go anywhere" His tone harsh and nonnegotiable.

With that I stepped out of the car. The night was cold. It was harsh on my chocolate skin and I could feel the goosebumps on my arms as I hugged myself. I was shivering. My dress didn't cover much but at least my bandaged thigh was covered although I could feel the cold starting to penetrate my wound. My toes were freezing because my heels showed my toes and I was afraid I would get frost bites. The worst part was that I could see what seemed to be a cottage from afar with the light on and I knew I could shelter in there, but the pain of being shot came over me and I couldn't go through that again.

I waited for what felt like an eternity then a gunman came up to me and said

"Hey, you must be freezing".

I forgot how to breathe for a minute because his voice was so deep. It wasn't rough but smoothed laced with care. Turning to him I saw a large figure. I really couldn't see much because my eye sight is horrible at night. He seemed to have amazing physique.

"I am" I say and I see my breath in the air.

"Well, here you can wear this" he says sweetly handing me a turtle neck and a black blazer. It seems he had retrieved these for me. The scent was so musculin, it over took my senses. Because I lacked vision I could smell in 3-d good for situations like right now but horrible when someone passes gas. I felt comfort in this foreign intoxicating scent.

"Thank you" I say as I put them on and I felt more comfortable.

"I would give you socks and boots but you're not my size" he jokes

"No need. You have done enough" I smile genuinely.

"You can't you walk to the cottages?" He asks curious

"The second in command said I couldn't, I had to wait for the van" I answer honestly

"The van coming with the other girls?" He asks again

"Yeah I guess" I answer and he lets out an assumed laugh.

"Well, you'll be waiting forever then"

"And why is that?" I ask confused

"It came in hours ago it was coming from Rome. So unless you are waiting for the next shipment of girls you better start walking" he says

My jaw fell to the ground. How can someone be so cruel to leave me out here in the cold? Was I the only one bought from my auction? Did he say all that to intimidate me? I was waiting outside for a while before he came in maybe him and Rosa pulled a prank. Oh my goodness! Although I knew that I had been the center of this sick joke, I knew that what he said about leaving was true.

"Are you still going to stand here or should I accompany you to the cottages?" He asks

"Lead the way" I give a faint smile.

"So where are you from?" He asks

"Africa, I doubt you know the country I'm from" I shrug

"Try me" he challenges me

"Okay Zimbabwe" I say

"Makadii?" He says with his accent and I smile
(Formal way of greeting: How are you?)

"Tiripo hedu makadii wo?" I respond
(Formal response to above greeting: I'm fine and how are you?)

"Tiripo" he says proud of himself.
(I'm fine)

"How do you know how speak Shona?" I ask
(Shona is one of the national languages of Zimbabwe)

"Well we have had a few Zimbabwean girls come here so I learned to communicate" he said.

The painkillers had been wearing off for a while and I could feel the wound start to agonize me. I slowed my pace to accommodate my pain and the gunman noticed.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"I..uh...I got shot two days ago and I'm still healing" that's I say as we come to a halt.

"Okay" he says then talks into his walkie-talkie.

"I called a van. It's coming to take you to the in-estate clinic. My bad, Alessio was supposed to come get you with the van but his task in the estate took longer than expected that's why you had to wait so long. Guess consigliere had a van coming after all." He let out a chuckle

"It's fine at least now I'm not so cold because of the clothes you gave me and the walking" I reassure him.

The van pulls up and the door slides open. The gunman helps me in and he sits next to me.

"What's your name?"

"Rodrigo" he smiles

"Hello Rodrigo, my name is Eve" I say stretching out my hand and he takes it. We shake hands and I can't help but smile while he can't seem to wipe of that smirk. The driver I assume is Alessio keeps watching us through the rearview mirror. Finally coming to a stop at a well lit clinic Rodrigo helps me out of the van.

A nurse is waiting by the driveway with a wheelchair. Finally coming into the light I get to see Rodrigo's face. It's beautiful. He is a beautiful man. His eyes were a beautiful shade of hazelnut while his nose was long and round. His ears were small but they complimented the shame of his head. He had a full head of black hair with an underlying deep purple. His lips are plum and his jaw is well defined.

He helps me sit of the wheelchair and the nurse wheels me in. Rodrigo says goodbye with his cute smile and walks away. He promised to see me tomorrow and show me around if I had been given bed rest. What a cute guy!


Quite a long chapter.

Anyways tell me

Is you a Netflix and chill type of person or go on a date!

I'm a date person 👻

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