Chapter Forty-Six

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(A war that only I can fight) 


I recline in my leather chair, the dim light of my study casting long shadows across the rich, dark wood of the room. The mahogany desk is cluttered with papers and reports, the remnants of a day spent dealing with business. I sip a glass of aged scotch, savouring the brief moment of quiet, the faint aroma lingering in the air. 

But even in this sanctuary of solitude, my thoughts inevitably drift to her. 

Mio piccolo luna.

Her name echoes in the recesses of my mind like a haunting melody, a constant reminder of the void she left behind. I can still see the look in her eyes as she walked away, the pain and betrayal etched into every line of her face.

I told myself it was for the best, that pushing her away was an act of selflessness, a sacrifice made in the name of love. But now, as I sit here in the silence of my study, I can imagine holding her close and never letting her go. But instead, I pushed her away, convinced that I was protecting her from the storm within me. And now, as I sit here alone with nothing but the weight of my regrets for company, I realize the depth of my mistake.

My train of thought is disrupted by the sharp ring of my private line. With a heavy thud, I set my glass down and pick up the phone, my voice cutting through the air like a blade. 

"What is it?"

The voice on the other end is hurried, panicked. 

"Sir, it's madam. She's gone." 

My brow furrows as I grip the receiver tighter, the dim light casting long shadows across the room. Very few have access to this number. 

"What?" I demand, my voice a low, dangerous growl, the faint aroma of aged scotch still lingering.

The guard stammers, barely masking the panic. 

"We...we were transporting her as instructed, and she jumped out of the car. We've lost her in the woods."

For a moment, silence.

Then, with a controlled, almost eerie precision, I place the receiver back in its cradle. The room seems to darken with the weight of my fury, the dim light casting long shadows across the cluttered space. 

"Incompetence," I hiss, my voice barely above a whisper yet filled with venom, the faint aroma of aged scotch still lingering. 

Suddenly, with a violent movement, I hurl the landline against the wall, the sounds of it hitting the wall then the ground fil up the room. The guards in the room flinch but dare not move or speak, one of them picking it up and bringing it to me. My tall frame casts an imposing shadow against the wall as I stand up, the full force of my fury radiating from me like a visible heat. 

"Incompetent fools," I growl, my voice trembling with barely contained rage. 

"How could you let her escape?"

The guard on the line stammers, desperate to provide a reason.

"Enough," I snap, my voice a blade of cold steel, the dim light casting long shadows across the cluttered space. 

"You have failed me."

The guard continues to stammer, trying to offer an explanation, but I have already turned my back, my mind racing.

Vigilia, gone.

I stalk to the window, the faint aroma of aged scotch lingering in the air, looking out at the darkening sky.

"Find her," I order, my voice cold and precise, my tall frame casting an imposing shadow against the wall. 

"I don't care what it takes. I want every resource mobilized. Dogs, drones, men. She will not vanish into the night. Bring her back."

"But, sir, it's already getting dark. She could be anywhere—"

I spin around, my eyes blazing.

"Then start looking." The guard's hurried acknowledgments fade as I cut the line.

"Get the car ready." I instruct no one in particular 

The guards nod and hurry out, leaving me alone with my seething anger, the dim light of my study casting long shadows across the cluttered space. I pace the room like a caged animal, the memory of Vigilia's soft voice and tender presence fueling the fire of my wrath. 

How could she leave?  The faint aroma of aged scotch lingering in the air. My jaw clenches, a storm brewing within me.

I pace the room, the soft thud of my shoes on the carpet the only sound. My mind replays our last conversation, the measured sorrow in my voice as I told her it was over. I had believed it a necessary cruelty, a way to protect her from the perils surrounding me. But now, her flight has turned that calculation into a bitter mockery.

I slam my fist onto the desk, scattering papers to the floor. I pause, my reflection a dark silhouette in the window. The hunt has begun, and I will not rest until she is found. I relish the thought of bringing her back. With renewed determination, I stride from the study. My footsteps echo through the opulent corridors as I make my way towards the command center. Every step is deliberate, a testament to my unwavering resolve. The guard stationed outside the door snaps to attention as I approach, but I barely spare the man a glance as I sweep past him and into the bustling room beyond.

The command center buzzes with activity, screens flickering with live feeds from drones and surveillance cameras. Guards huddle around maps, plotting search grids and coordinating their efforts. My presence is like a sudden chill in the air, commanding attention and respect. I stride to the center of the room, my gaze sweeping over the assembled personnel. 

"Listen carefully," I announce, my voice cutting through the din. "Eve has escaped. She is to be found at all costs."

A murmur of acknowledgment ripples through the room as I outline my orders with icy precision. 

"Carlo, your team will take the eastern quadrant. Coordinate with drone support to cover the area thoroughly. I want every tree, every bush examined."

Turning to another group of guards, I continue, 

"Stefano, your team will focus on the western perimeter. Deploy canine units to track her scent and report any findings immediately."

 "I will join Team Delta, we will go after her on foot" I declared, my tone firm and unwavering.

My mind churns with thoughts of our shared memories,

"Ouch, for a second there I thought you just wanted me to be here." I faked a pained expression.

"Oh no definitely not. You're just the muscle." She joked as we both let out laughs.

"Here I thought you were the muscle." I teased.

"I definitely am, look at these guns." She flexed her arms and I laughed, her beautiful laugh gracing my ears.

I push the thoughts aside, burying them beneath layers of determination to find her. With a final, steely glance around the room, I turn and stride from the command center as we prepared for the search.


So yeah. 

Will they find her or find a body? Is she not pregnant? 

The urge to switch on the completed tag😈

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