Chapter Eleven

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(Gain without pain is still gain)


The Don had the men lie down flat on the ground.

"You will count. If it's not audible I will start again" he said

He drew his hand back and whipped them.
"One"  they said.

I could hear the pain in thier voices and could practically see them wince. I knew at that moment that I should have never disobeyed the Don. Not only am I in trouble but four other people as well. These men were huge compared to my now small frame, if they were in this much pain how the fuck was I not going to die?

"Sixty five" they cried out.

The Don didn't look tired at all. He looked as if he had just warmed up and was ready for the main event.

"Let this be a lesson to all guards. As for the maid take her to the dungeon"

I could practically hear the pity, it was dense. A few of the people looked away too ashamed to look at me. Others looked at me sympathetically while others didn't care enough. Some smirked and I could tell they were happy I was getting what I deserved. I couldn't blame them. I had broken the rules all by myself hence punishment was due.

A few man picked me up and dragged me towards the mansion. My shoulder wasn't as painful as it was probably because of the adrenaline. Once in the mansion we turned to a flight of stairs that took us into the basement. After passing a few doors, we got into a room that was really dark. This was probably going to trigger PTSD from my crater days.

I fell to the ground with a loud thud and the man walked out and shut the door behind them. I'm pretty sure I fell unconscious because when I woke up it felt as if I was on something soft. I rubbed my sleepy eyes with the back of my hand and a sharp smell hit my nostrils. It smelt like detergent. I felt dissociated.Suddenly I felt  sharp pains in my arm and shoulder. I turned my eyes to my arm to see a needle disappearing into my flesh. I turned my eyes to look at my surroundings.

From what I could gather I was on a bed.
The walls lacked colour. They looked more depressed than I was. They were a pale white and the lights were really bright.There were few cabinets and drawers with marble countertops, a couch and a wheelchair. I am in bed and my shoulder had been tended to. I am in a gown, a hospital gown. My guess is I'm either in a hospital or a clinic. Who brought me here?

I lay there for about 15 minutes then door opened carefully as if the person coming in didn't want to wake me. I turned to the door and I saw a young lady with big framed glasses in a lab coat, with a clipboard in her hand walking towards me.

She was tall and slim but very curvy; her hair was black and her features were well defined. She had big eyes, a sharp nose, average ears and plum lips. Her legs were long and strong as she strode to me in what seemed to be six inches red bottom heels and a mini maxi dress.

Panic enveloped my body. Have I been sold again? Am I in a different place? Is it going to be as horrible as the last time? As if she could see the fear in my eyes she said

"Relax, take a deep breath."

I did as I was told then she said

"I'm Doctor Maddalena. I'm the physician who attended to your wound nothing is broken. Your vitals are good so you will heal just fine. I have prescribed some pain medication and ointment for you. Other than that you're all good. You'll be good to leave after I check on you again in a few hours." In a thick Italian accent

"Where am I?" I question

"You are still at the estate." She casually responds observing my drip.

"How long have I been out?" I asked

"One day. You really needed the rest." She answered and I nodded.

"I notice that you have another bullet wound on your thigh" she states

I let out a chuckle and she says

"Quite rebellious." While snickering

I looked at her as she went through my chat and I admired her. She was who I was going to be. If it hadn't been for this fucked up situation in a couple of years I was going to be in her shoes. Wearing a lab coat attending to patients, going through chats, having assistant nurses and prescribing medicine. I felt a lone tear cascade down my cheek.

"What's the matter? Did I miss any other injuries?" She questions

I shook my head no.

I really wanted to tell her that I was a med student before I came here. Something in me decides against it.

"So what's the problem?" She questions

"Life" I simply say

"I'm sorry..." She looks at her clipboard for my name "...Eve, sometimes life sucks. Things happen and we can't control them. Would you like to see a therapist? We have one readily available" she said.

I just shook my head no. What would I talk to the therapist about? My kidnapping and how that made me feel? I felt sad. There and I had to accept my fate. It's not like I was trying to deny my reality.

"I have to go. I'll be back in a few hours. Until then eat something and drink lots of water." She said as she placed her hand on my healthy shoulder and with that she left.

I must have lost a lot of blood if I'm on a drip and still have to hydrate.


Maddalena walked into my office with a smile on her face. She was holding her clipboard close to her chest and she seemed to be in a hurry to talk.

"Che Maddalena?" I asked
(What Maddalena?)

"She woke up" she said as she dropped her clipboard on my desk and leaned on it.

"Chi?" I asked getting a little annoyed

"Vigilia" she looked at me as if I should have known who she was talking about.

"And that's relevant to me because?" I asked

"Because you had me personally attend to her after you  shot her. So as the best doctor ever with amazing professionalism I'm giving you an update."

"Maddie, I don't care how she is" I scoff


"Do not call me that!" I warn

She sighs.

"Ally, if you didn't care you would have left her to die in the cellar" she said then swiftly took her belongings and walked out without another word.


Hey what you think about my writing?

Also I do not speak Italian at all so if any of you Italians reading this spot a mistake tell me. I do not want to butcher your language.

Thank you

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