Chapter Thirty-Seven

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(Side effects of falling in love)


After the bath he carried me out of the bathroom and set me on the bed as he disappeared into our closet. When he finally came out with under garments and his large t-shirt paired with a denim shorts, he set them down on the bed then said 

"I'll leave you to get dressed. If you need me I'll be right outside." 

"Tell him to stay. You and I both know that you don't want him to leave." Subby pitched in. 

"That is true but some part of me is really enjoying this gentleman side of him. Plus I want to see how long this will last." I told her. 

"I just don't want you whining to me about what would have happened if he stayed." She whined.

"I won't" I told her.

"Good then". She answered as she walked off to do whatever she does.

As soon as he walked out the door, I stood up to get my lotions. I staggered as I stood. To prevent falling I held onto the bed. Moving in itself was difficult, this man really had fucked me until I lost mobility functions. Struggling about, I finally got the lotion and body oils then got dressed. 

"Should I call him?" I asked as Subby popped up in a hotel room, laying stomach down on the white bed with her legs in the air. 

"Wait are you still on vacation?" I asked her.

"Obviously". She responded with a duh tone.

"Anyway, back to my dilemma, what should I call him?" I ask her again.

"Don" she suggests swinging her legs in the air.

"Orrr Daddy since he destroyed that pussy" she quickly counters herself  as she changes her position with excitement.

"You are so vail" I blush as I remember the events of LAST night.

"I am you and you are me! We're vail" she said smiling from ear to ear.

"You can call him by his name" she aids me.

"I don't think I can" I honestly reply.

"So last night you could do the nasty with this man...outside...but you can't call him by his name? That's wild to me" Subby mocked.

"Vigilia? Are you alright?" The Don called from the other end of the door.

"How convenient!"  Subby protests. Clearly she was enjoying my suffering.

"Yes. I'm done, you can come back in" 

He opened the door slightly then picked his head inside with his hand over his eyes.

"Are you decent?" he joked with a smirk.

"No, I'm completely naked. I haven't moved since you walked out" I joked.

"Now, now Vigilia you can not be putting images like that in my mind" he said mischievously as he dropped his hand.

I grabbed a pillow from behind me and throw it at him. I don't know how to explain it but something changes after sex and nine out ten times its either of the following. Either things change for the better or they change for the absolute worst. I have always found the don attractive and at some unidentified point I began to care for him deeply. Now, was having sex with him a horrible idea...yes, one hundred percent.  

As we are in this moment it feels as if things have followed one of the two options. Our dynamic has changed in a good way I'd like to believe. 

"For now" Subby teased. 

He walked slowly over to the bed and set beside me. He hunched over, interlocked his fingers in-between his man spread legs then turned his head to look at me. 

"I have meeting with a few business associates later on. I'd like to spend time with your before they arrive." He said.

"Do I need to be there just to stand and look pretty?" I asked and he set up straight still looking at me, his hands disengaged.

"Given that you can barely stand, I don't think that's possible." He sneakered as I scoffed, his hands moved closer to me. 

"It's a meeting so you do not need to be there." He added.

"Okay. So what are we doing then?" I ask happy to not be needed in his meeting.

"We are going to be wine tasting and playing 20 questions, after we've had our most important meal of the day." He said as he took my hand and kissed it. 

"That sounds nice." I commented.

He turned his body towards me, his eyes funding my own instantly. His eyes held an emotion I could decipher as adoration. The little smile in his face didn't help either. There was an exchange of pleasantries between us with just our eyes. Not a single word.

He slide his hands under my thighs and immediately I reached for his shoulders. Gently he lifted me and placed me on his lap. His smile grew into a knowing smirk.

"You have two options here. Either I carry you downstairs or you suffer your way there." He teased.

"I can walk" I protested.

"Is that so? I could have sworn I heard struggling noises while you dressed." He teased further.

"I can walk...just not well enough to go down the stairs." I admitted a little annoyed he was right.

"So I take that as option 1." He answered as he  stood from the bed, lifting me as well.

"Today is going to be a fun day." He teased.

"I hope so". I smiled.


Good morning from Eve and the don.  

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