Chapter Forty-One

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(The beginning of an unfortunate love story)


I had fallen asleep as soon as he walked out the door.

My body needed the rest and I enjoyed the pain of pleasure. The gentle glow of the light covers wrapped around me, and the cloud beneath me invited me to snuggle deeper into its embrace. I moaned contentedly, wishing to remain in this blissful state forever. The sound of the door softly opening stirred me to consciousness but not fully awake. The faint feeling of the bed dipping stirred me slightly from my sleep. I shifted my body to face him and his scent assailed my senses.

"Hey," I said with my eyes still closed.

"Enjoying the rest?" He asked.

"Hmm," I hummed in agreement with his statement.

"Well you have to eat Mio piccolo Luna"

" I have to? I would rather sleep."

"You do not have that option. You need to eat. I made a meal, I'd love you to try"

I drowsily open my eyes, slowly adjusting to the dim light of the bedroom. The Don is sitting on the edge of the bed, gazing down at me tenderly.

"What meal did you make that's so important I need to get out of these heavenly soft sheets?" I ask with a playful sigh.

"Well, you have to come downstairs and find out."

My stomach growls right on cue and we both laugh. As the laughter fades into the relaxed atmosphere of the bedroom, I realize how much the Don cares for me, momentarily pushing aside wild memories of yesterday's events and their consequences. His presence is comforting and makes me feel that he does care about me in some weird way.

"I guess I can't refuse an offer like that, especially from someone as persuasive as you," I tease.

"I am quite persuasive." He says smiling

"No wonder you're a businessman" I chuckle.

The Don's smile doesn't falter, but there's a flash of something deeper in his eyes—a reminder of his world, a world far away from the peace of our current predicament.

"Let's just enjoy the evening," he says, his voice gentle yet firm, as if trying to pause his complicated life, even for just a moment.

The Don's eyes sparkle with a mix of mischief and affection as he assists me out of bed, his touch tender, acknowledging my discomfort without me saying anything. We navigate the staircase together, his steadiness lending me support and reinforcing the cocoon that I am secure in his arms. Despite the pain, a sense of safety envelopes me.

The kitchen is warm and inviting. The sight that greets us is one of simple yet profound care. The table is set with an elegance that speaks volumes of the Don's desire to provide comfort and pleasure for me.

He leads me to the table, where a feast awaits, its aromas promising a culinary delight. The table is beautifully set. As I sit, Alberto serves the meal he's prepared with a flourish and a sense of pride beaming from his build.

"It is one of my favourite meals," he says, unveiling a dish of pasta primavera.

The dish had a delightful blend of al dente pasta and crisp, seasonal vegetables, coated in a light, savoury sauce made from garlic, and olive oil. The dish showcased a vibrant array of vegetables such as bell peppers, zucchini, carrots, and cherry tomatoes, which brought sweetness and a slightly charred flavour. He used basil and it added a fresh, aromatic lift. The combination of tender pasta with the crunch of fresh vegetables, alongside the balance of sweet and savoury flavours, made the first bite of Pasta Primavera a comforting yet refreshing culinary delight.

As we ate, we engaged in lighthearted banter. The comfort of the meal, combined with the Don's seemingly attentive care, works magic on my weary body, easing the aches with every bite and word exchanged.

After dinner, the Don's concern for my well-being resurfaces.

"Let's get you comfortable," he suggests, guiding me back to the living room.

There, with the soft glow of the fireplace casting a warm light, he insists on massaging the soreness from my muscles. We settle comfortably on the couch, the softness of the cushions and the warmth of his touch blend into a soothing balm for my aches. The initial touch is delicate, a warm hand laying gently on my skin, a silent promise of the care and affection to come. The Don's hands move with a gentleness that belies their strength, each stroke and press guided by a desire to eradicate my discomfort, to envelop me in a sense of comfort.

"Let me know if the pressure is alright. I want to make sure you're feeling better, not uncomfortable." he whispered.

"It's perfect, thank you. I can feel the soreness melting away already." I whispered back, eyes closed.

The movements begin, a slow exploration of touch and tenderness, exploring the landscape of my body. Each stroke, each gentle press against my muscles, feels like it's unwinding layers of tension that have accumulated, leaving me feeling lighter, freer. 

There's a brief silence as the Don continues his work, the pressure varies, sometimes firm to work a particularly stubborn knot, sometimes soft, soothing the surface and the senses alike. It feels like the Don is not only helping my body relax but also taking care of my inner self, comforting parts of me that usually get ignored. The warmth from the fireplace and his hands combined with the serene environment creates a comforting cocoon around us.

"Your hands are magic. How do you always know where it hurts the most?" I ask completely relaxed.

"I just pay attention to you, to what your body tells me. It is all about making you feel better." He says and I can hear his stupid smirk, but I'm too relaxed to care.

I smile, feeling the warmth not just from the fireplace, but from the Don's dedication. The room settles into a comfortable silence, filled with the sound of the Don's hands moving over my skin, and the occasional soft sigh of relief from me. 

After a while, the Don gently concludes the massage, his hands resting briefly on my shoulders in a final gesture of care.

"How do you feel now?" he asks.

"I feel wonderful, thanks to you. You have this incredible ability to make everything better."

I am halfway between consciousness and a dream, it's as if, in this moment, nothing exists outside of this room, outside of this feeling of being relaxed and cared for.

The Don smiles back, knowing he has made me feel better.

"As long as I'm here, I'll always strive to make you feel this way. You're my priority, Mio piccolo Luna."



You think this will last?

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