Chapter Thirty-three

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(What demons are you running from?)


Maddalena too was dressed in a burgundy mermaid dress that mapped out her gorgeous body and accentuated her curves. It had a plunging v-neck that I could never dream of pulling off. She had on a ruby necklace, a pair of matching earrings, and bracelets. Her heels were of suede and they too were a deep ruby color to match her jewelry. Her hair was jelled back into a slick high ponytail. 

"We don't have time to make your hair look elegant so a wig will have to do. I'm thinking a long black wig preferably curly... no?" She spoke a little disappointed that she couldn't style my hair.

I nodded.

"Makeup won't be difficult. You already have such beautiful skin and I wouldn't want to bury it in foundation. We're just going to do something natural but still elegant. I'm thinking an ombre of different blues as eyeshadow, follow the line of your natural eyebrows, put on long eyelashes and a subtle blue" She asked already having made up her mind.

Again I just nodded. Maddalena was trying to rebuild whatever connection we had before coming here... but I won't give in to her advance easily. I simply can't trust and that will never change. I can just pretend but never fully be her friend again.

"Great. Let's get started then." She said gesturing to the dressing table.

I have to admit Maddalena worked fast. In about forty-five minutes she had successfully installed a wig and was almost done with my makeup. Her forehead was creased showing her full concentration on the task at hand. With the last puff of setting spray, she took a step back and then smiled pleased with her work. She brought the jewelry to me and helped me put it on, her smile grew wider.

"Let's get you into your dress then you can gawk at yourself in the mirror." She chimed very giddily.

Getting into the dress was a little different because there was plenty of fabric but after a few shaves and pushes I was in and I couldn't help but feel expensive and elegant.

"Time for the shoes. These will look gorgeous on you." She said as she showed me suede heels the same color as my jewelry.

"Alberto better collapse when he sees you." She joked and I snickered.

"Yeah," I simply said.

I slipped on the heels and walked to the mirror.


"Damn right wow. You look like every man's dream. I would have been offended if you hadn't said so." She said with a wide smile.

"I look..."

"Again like every man's dream. You look breathtakingly ravishing." She praised me with her hands on my shoulders, holding me from behind her eyes looking at mine through the mirror, then she disappeared from my view.

"Don't forget the gloves and bracelet." She called from behind and freed me from my trance.

I walked towards her and she helped me get into the gloves. With a final click of the bracelet, I was set to go.

"Come on. We were supposed to be down there half an hour ago." She chuckled and I smiled.

She extended her hand for me and I interlinked our hands. Maddalena opened the door the chitter chatter happening downstairs came to a halt. My heart began to play loud African drums. I felt my breathing hitch and my hands began to tremble.

"Fuck. I'm going to collapse." I told my subconscious.

"You better not. You look too hot to be anxious" she responded.

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