The Dinner Date(Edited)

71 3 9

Musical Suggestion: Start of Something Good by Daughtry

Min Jun

I finally got back to the office and Jin was at his desk as usual, right next to mine.

"Annyeong." (hello) I said as I slipped into my desk. Jin turned around and leaned over.

"So, dinner tonight right? Where are we going this time?" He asked, scrolling through his phone looking for possible places to eat.

"Not tonight, something has come up." I said as I started running a report that would be needed for today's meeting.

"What? What do you mean something's come up. What has come up?" He said stopping momentarily to look up at me. I saw his bewildered look in my peripheral vision. Suddenly her face came to my mind; I smiled while I pushed print on the documents.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked while returned to scrolling this time paying more attention. I looked at him, got up from my chair and walked over to the copy machine. Jin followed.

"I can't, not tonight. But I'll tell you more tomorrow." I said making copies for the meeting.

"You can't or you won't tell me? It's not like you met some random person that you're blowing me off for." He said jokingly.

I looked up at him and stared. Out of all the times he got shit wrong, this time he got shit right. My face told him the answer before he even had the question. Jin looked at me and realized that he was right just by my face. "You met someone?"

"Well, not technically. I kind of ran into her physically but then she bought my drink and it went from there." I answered honestly, however in a way it seemed totally made up.

"Be serious. Did you meet someone?" He asked again.

"Yes." I finally said, he was starting to draw attention which is not something I wanted the entire office to know about.

It's bad enough there are some women here who practically threw themselves at guys because they feel they have reached the age in which they 'should' be married. Even though they may be beautiful, I feel that the chemistry won't be there. Some women seems like the type of women who want to be pampered and don't reciprocate the same.

How can someone be lazy in a relationship?

Those are the types that I completely avoid, however I've had my fair share of running into them and them sizing me up.

"Who is she? Do I know her? Where did you meet her?" Jin asked so many questions so fast, I started to forget the questions before he'd let me answer.

"No, you don't know her. She just moved here from America about 3 weeks ago." I stopped suddenly; I shouldn't have said that but I did. I let him know she was an American. He'll be excited about that.

He's always wanted to go to America, I can see him eventually living there. He loves the western culture so much. He's going to lose when I tell him she's Black. He'll have so many questions as he always wanted to date a foreigner. He has always been fascinated by learning about other cultures.

"What? Wait? What... American?" He just couldn't believe it.

I looked at his face, I never knew a person's eyes could get so big. He was floored. I will wait to tell him later about her ethnicity. I don't think he could handle so much at once.

"I'll tell you everything, tomorrow. Well, not everything, but I'll give you more details tomorrow." I said grabbing the copies from the machine.

"Where did you meet her?" He asked as he followed me to the conference room. I collected all of the documents for the meeting from the end of the table and Jin took the seat. There was no one in the room as we were preparing for the meeting.

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