Long Time, No See

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Days had gone by since I had heard from Min Jun. He had sent a late night text saying 'Good Night, Sleep Well', but that was it. I had texted him the day after I hadn't heard from when I stayed over at his place, and his reply was short and simple.

[Min Jun] I'm doing good. Sorry, but I've been a bit busy with work. That was the last text he sent me about 4 days ago. I thought I would have at least been able to hang out with him over the weekend, but that didn't happen at all. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but it was too late. I thought things were going well between us but it seemed like he ghosted me. I really thought that he would have wanted to see me, especially since the time we spent at the bar. I may be thinking way too much into it. I had to take a step back and remember, he was not my boyfriend.

I decided to bury myself in work and try to get him out of my mind. I figured, maybe this was the best way it needed to happen between us before it got too serious. I don't know if getting too close to him scared him, and I really didn't know how to feel about it. Se-ra kept asking me throughout the day, when I was going to see him again and I really got tired of saying that he was busy with work. It sounded kind of sad really because I didn't have any idea as to when I would see him again. My feelings were strong and I had to keep them under control otherwise I would lose it. We didn't have an agreement, we hadn't even gotten that far to even come up with a conclusion that we would possibly date. We simply just danced around the flirtation stage with each other.

Day 4 and I was not feeling like dealing with a relationship again. I started thinking maybe I wasn't the one he expected me to be. I kept coming up with reasons why he didn't contact me. Reasons I believed to be no one else's fault but my own. The work week had begun and I just immersed myself in the art project for the commercial. Thank goodness it was enough work to keep me busy. Se-r had agreed to be the face of the product therefore we had to shoot the commercial. We decided to go to Jongmyo Plaza Park to shoot the commercial. It seemed like it would be a breeze to shoot the commercial but it wasn't easy to say the least. We had to do so many takes, I felt as if it would take forever. I could tell Se-ra was getting tired of how long it was taking but she was a trooper, she didn't complain once. I wanted to complain and I wasn't even acting. My phone buzzed and without looking, I answered the phone.

"Juniper." I froze. It was Caleb. Shit. Fuck Me. I should have looked at the phone; I felt so dumb. I hadn't heard from him in a long time. After the conversation with my mom last week, I hadn't heard from anyone, especially him. He stopped calling me every day and switched it up to giving me a call every 3 days, and ironically today was the 3rd day.

"What is it Caleb? We have nothing to talk about." I said dryly. I just wanted this conversation to be over as soon as possible.

"I'm actually surprised you answered my call. I just wanted to talk to you."

"For what? There is nothing we need to discuss." I said walking around in circles. Why couldn't this have been my mother? Come to think of it, this could have been her doing.

"I just want to talk to you. I know you are upset with me and you have every right to be. I just want to know how you are doing and know that you are alright."

"Well Caleb, to be honest you are right, I am upset with you. You Fucked My Step Sister! What the fuck nerve do you have calling me acting as if you are fucking concerned about me? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I started getting loud and people started to stare. I was right back in the coffee shop. I don't know how but Caleb had that effect on me; he had the ability to take me from zero to 10 in 0.2 seconds flat.

"Would you calm the fuck down? I'm just trying to see how you are doing? I know you left because of what I did but I wanted to say I'm sorry." Did he really just say he was sorry? I looked at the phone with a bewildered look. Did this motherfucker just say he was sorry like it was going to immediately fix everything? I didn't know how to respond. I started getting heated and I realized I had completely walked away from the area of where we were set up shooting the commercial.

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