What To Believe?

18 2 6

Musical Suggestion: Fake Friends by Dustin Atlas, Erin Bowman & Night Panda


I landed the position for my company, which I was very excited to get. My team leader said I knocked it out the box with my concept project and said that after the current project, I would most definitely be a Team Leader for my project! I was so happy. I told Min Jun and he was excited for me as well. He had been busy with work and dancing with Alex over at the studio. The studio had been gaining attention since Alex got to be the choreographer for the idol group so they actually started uploading their own videos. However other, more personal videos were still being posted of Min Jun online.

Min Jun and I hadn't been able to see each other like we used to. Things kind of changed since that night at the club when we ran into Caleb and Samantha. I've been getting random texts from Caleb wanting to tell me something about Samantha. I hadn't spoken to him but I'm wanting to know what was going on with her because she just kept popping up. And also the fact that Min Jun told me he cheated on his girlfriend with Samantha! I have been trying to get over that one. I didn't think that MinJun may have a 'soft' spot for her. I must admit, that threw me for a motherfucking loop.

I was happy that it was the weekend and Chanel had made it back to Seoul. It was a bit chilly outside which made it felt like the weather in Chicago around this time. It was Christmas Eve in Seoul and the weather was just like at home, a nice balmy high of 31 F degrees.

"Girl, so have you talked to Min Jun lately?" Chanel asked as she was eating some chips and dip, flicking through the channels on the tv.
"No I haven't. I miss him, but I've been so busy with work. And that thing that happened at the club. I'm trying to put my priorities in order.

"Yeah man, that shit was fucked up. I wish I would have been there." Chanel said snacking on her chips and dip.

"What the fuck are you eating?" I asked as she was smacking.

"On some good as shit that you ain't gonna know cuz you gonna try and snack on it too." She smiled, laughed and returned to flipping a channel. She finally landed on pulling up Hulu to swipe through to the Masked Singer.

My phone goes off and it's Caleb.

"What is it now?" I answered.

"I'm at your door." He said. I don't believe this. Now he wants to just show up. I'm tired of fighting at this point.

"Girl, Caleb at the door." I yell at Chanel.

"I'll get the door." She said getting off the couch to open the door. She opened the door and stared at Caleb.

"Hey Chanel." Caleb said dryly as he entered the door.

"Hey Stupid." Chanel replied. "Merry Christmas." She said. I gotta love her. She keeps it real.

"Merry Christmas Chanel." Calel replies. Chanel walks back to the couch and Caleb follows her to the living room. I walked out the room whilst looking at Caleb in my house, checking out my shit.

"Hey Caleb." I said sitting down in the lounge chair across from Caleb.

"Merry Christmas Juniper." He said with a smile. He had a gift he was holding. "You still looking good girl. Damn."

"What the fuck do you want Caleb? Why are you here?" I said being irritated. I'm really tired of seeing him. I crossed a whole, entire body of water to not see this person.

"Ok look. First, Merry Christmas. Even though we are over here away from family, I thought we could put down the fight for at least one night. And I have information that I think might be beneficial to you." Caleb said, holding out a gift bag for me and Chanel. The guy knows how to play the game well. I said fuck it so quick, I surprised myself; I love gifts. I didn't give a fuck that it was from Caleb, seriously, I deserve so much more from this stupid mothefucking asshole. So Yes, I will take that fucking gift bag. Chanel knows too and she grabbed hers, I think we both snatched the bags almost at the same time.

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