A Waiting Spade

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Things quieted down a bit after our outing to Lotte World. Min Jun said he heard from Samantha, so we figured she had gotten the hint. I occasionally went to the studio and danced with Min Jun and without fail, the videos of us were still being posted online. Every once in a while, occasionally people would notice us ask us for a picture. I had gotten used to being with him and being noticed as it wasn't as bad as it could have been. While at work, I had gotten a call from Arc Interactive, so I stepped outside to take the call.


"Hello, is this Juniper Brown?" The man said over the phone.

"Yes, this is her. How can I help you?"

"This is Park Ho-Seok, I'm the project director for Arc Interactive." He said. My eyes brightened up and I started walking around outside.

"Hello, nice to meet you. How can I help you?" I responded.

"I received your resume and I was informed that you had an amazing interview as well." He said. I did, to be honest. I interviewed with the company shortly after the trip to Lotte World; I clicked really well with the interviewer, especially after I told him my concept of the video game I wanted to create and produce. He was very interested and loved the idea that I had for it. He even asked, if I got the job, if he could help on it. I was flattered! Of course I wouldn't turn down any help on the project, I was excited that he wanted to help me with it.

"Thank you, I'm glad." I answered.

"Well we would like to offer you the position. You can make your own schedule as long as you are in the office at least 2 days a week to show us your progress on any project you are assigned. Your position will be with a team of developers with the opportunity to grow and become a team lead." He offered. I was stunned, I had landed my dream job as a game developer. "Hello, are you there?" He asked.

"Uh, Yes, I'm here. Thank you so much! I accept." I answered. I turned around and looked at my building. I wouldn't be going back there for long.

"Great, so we know you have to give notice to your current job. We also have a signing bonus for you as well that will be discussed when you come in to complete your onboarding paperwork." Shit, a signing bonus? I didn't know about that! I guess the guy failed to tell me that part at the interview.

"Thank you! Thank you again. I will give my notice today. Thank you again." I said. I jumped up and down outside and screamed. A few people looked at me as if I had lost my damn mind. I composed myself and took it down a notch. I had to tell Se-ra and Min Jun.

Just as I was about to dial Min Jun, my phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number; I thought it was someone from the office again so I answered it immediately.

"Hello?" I said excitedly.

"Hello Juniper baby. I'm glad you answered my call." A familiar voice came over the phone, it was Caleb. I froze, why was he calling me? Why did he have a South Korean phone number? "Hello? Are you still there?"

"What do you want?" I answered.

"I want you baby." He answered. My skin crawled.

"Why are you calling me?"

"I'm here baby." My heart dropped.

"What? You're where?"

"In South Korea. I just landed, I'm waiting for my bags." My heart started pounding fast. This could not be happening to me. Did this motherfucker just tell me that he was in South Korea?

Why was he here? Where exactly was he? Where was he planning to go?

"What the fuck do you mean you are in South Korea?" I asked, getting upset.

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