The Meet Up - 3 Days Ago

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Min Jun

The day finally came for me to meet up with Samantha. I had been doing well throughout the day, but as it got closer to the time for me to meet up with her, I had so much anxiety I was second guessing on meeting up with her. I mentioned to Jin that Samantha contacted me and he was not happy and told me to be on guard. He felt that she was up to something and he wanted me to be careful. I was mindful of his advice, but I can honestly say that I was very curious about what she wanted.

I arrived at Casa Latina around 12:30 pm figuring I would be there early to see her arrive. I picked a table inside the restaurant. I was looking over the menu when Samantha walked in. Even though it had been a while, she looked the same. She saw me sitting at the table. I waved and she smiled and quickly walked over.
"Hi Min Jun, it's so good to see you." She said as she sat down across from me.

"Hello Samantha. It's good to see you too. You look exactly the same." I said. This was our first meeting since our break up.

"I'm glad you came. Let me get to the point. I'm not sure if you know, but I have a YouTube channel and I would like to use you in a video to promote my channel." She said.

"Your Youtube channel? How am I supposed to help you with that?" I asked.

"Doing what you do best, dancing." She replied.

"I don't know about all of that. I work a regular job now. I don't dance as much as you think."

"But you still go by the dance studio don't you?" She asked. How in the fuck did she know I still go? She must have someone watching me, but who and how long?

"Why all of a sudden do you want me to help you? I'm sure you would do fine by yourself."

"My channel is doing mediocre, but I know it would go viral if you were on it. Especially since you were a trainee." It finally comes out. She wants to use my non-existent status to hype her channel.

"I don't know." I replied. The waiter came over to the table to take our order. I picked a few items off of the menu just to satisfy my hunger and it would give me more time to see what she was really after. She placed her order as well. We used to frequent this area back in the day but it has grown so much that not a lot of the places we would go were still around so everything looked a bit brand new.

"So how have you been Min Jun? I've missed you." She said, taking a sip of her water. And here it comes. She knew how to play me like a fiddle, and just like a stupid fuck, I would just melt with her. I didn't want her to get too interested in what I have been doing, especially when it came to my interest in Juniper.

"Really." I said dryly. "I've been good, thanks for asking. I'm working, making a living like everyone else."

"Yes, I've noticed. You're working in the accounting department of OncePic. How's that going?" She said with a sly grin.

"Have you been watching me?" I directly asked. How the fuck does she know this?

"I have my ways. I've known this for quite some time. I've been trying to find a way to approach you, but there hasn't been a way, that is, until now." She said. I didn't like this at all. She's been watching me. I wonder how much does she know. Does she know about Juniper?

"I see. Well what have you really been up to?" I asked leaning in making it seem I'm interested in extending this conversation. She smiled. She took the bait.

"Well, I've been traveling a bit for my channel and I was working as a buyer for a department store, but my channel has started taking off so I'm trying to see if I can get to increase before I decide to do it full time. That's where you come in." She said.

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