Spatial Distribution of Love (Edited)

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Min Jun was amazing at taking care of me, yet again. For some reason, I keep having scenarios that made me the damsel in distress with him coming to rescue me. Not that I'm complaining, it's just ironic I thought. He dropped me off at my place so I could get ready for work. I quickly dressed in a pair of slacks, and a nice tank top. I added a striped pullover sweater and I was ready to go. Thank goodness I had eaten at Min Jun's place, otherwise I would be so hungry.

I was still feeling the effects from last night but I was determined not to miss a day of work after a day of drinking with coworkers. I wasn't going to be that person or the typical American to call out of work after a hard night out. By the time I made it to work, I still had about 20 minutes to spare. I figured that arriving on time would look great, especially after the late night out with the group. I walked in the office and everyone was dragging. I was glad I wasn't the only one who felt like shit, but at least I wasn't the one who didn't show up for work.

Se-Ra was at her desk squinting at her computer. Mike and Elaine were in their offices with the doors closed. I figured they were busy ironing out the details of the contract we landed. Sun Hee and Kong Dae were at their desks doing the best they could considering I left the bar way before they did. I sat down at my desk and it felt as if I had been up for hours.

The breakfast Min Jun made for me was delicious and I was feeling the effects. All of us practically worked in silence the entire day, everyone completing their own personal projects. The time flew by and before I knew it, it was time to go home. Se-Ra caught me at the door as I was leaving and asked if I would go out with her and Sun Hee to dinner.

"I'm sorry, last night really did me in. I'm tired and I want to go home and get some rest." I stated.

"I understand. Get some rest. It's the weekend. I'll call you tomorrow." She said. I waved and I was gone. I walked to the train station and waited for the train to arrive.

I checked my phone and there were a few text messages from a few friends back home. I replied and wondered if I would hear from Min Jun. I didn't expect to but I would have loved to hear from him. I smiled just thinking about him. I remembered seeing him last night at the bar, sitting across the room. He was staring at me; lord only knows how long.

By the time I realized it, he had been watching me for a while. I remember dancing with Se-Ra and being in the moment. I had finally let loose and let my hair down. The train finally came into the station and I found a seat nearest to the window. As I settled down, I replied to my friends back home. The train ride home was fairly quick. I walked up the stairs from the train station and was met with a nice, cool breeze. Thank goodness it was just a short walk to my building. I walked into the building and ran into Jina Kim at the elevator.

"Hi Juniper!" She said excitedly. She's always happy when I see her.

"Hi Jina, how are you today?"

"I'm good, thank you. How are you?"

"I'm tired but I'm good. I had a long day today. I had a late night last night and had to go to work this morning."

"Oh, yes you need to rest. Did you have fun last night? I noticed you didn't come home last night." She asked. How did she know I didn't come home last night? I thought.

"Yeah, I had a great time. I went out with my coworkers last night and we went to a few bars."

"Oh yeah, that is something you will get used to. It is customary to go out with coworkers after work." She said. Finally the elevator came and we walked in. Jina pushed our floor and the doors closed. I leaned on the back wall of the elevator and closed my eyes as we traveled to the 11th floor.

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