Falling Endlessly*

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*This chapter contains Sexual Adult Situations

Min Jun  

         As I walked to the kitchen to get bottled water, I was in my thoughts, Juniper and I had just made love. It was magical; I smiled as I could still hear her moans, it made my dick move just thinking about it. It was full of passion, like I had never had with anyone. She was so sweet when I tasted her; she called my name with ecstasy across her lips. Her brown skin felt like satin against my skin as we mixed our love juices. She was making me fall deep in love with her. I wasn't prepared for this, I didn't plan for my feelings to grow so quick; I don't know if I'm responding accurately. I blushed just thinking about the way she looks at me, so sensual and lovingly, she looked as if she could devour me.

When she took my manhood across her lips, I felt her warm tongue glide across my shaft which made me shake. I felt so weak in my knees, I wanted to pass out as she sucked me deep into her mouth. Fortunately I kept it together and it was amazing. I never had fellacio like that, no one took the time to actually enjoy it as much as I felt she did. I was getting hard again standing in the kitchen, remembering what she did to my body. I wanted her again, I wanted to feel inside her again. I grabbed a few water bottles and a cup of ice. I had plans for that as it was my turn to take control.

Fate really stepped into my life when I least expected it and planted Juniper on my path. As I passed the bathroom, I heard the toilet flushing and water running. I stopped, the water shut off and the door opened. Juniper was standing there drying her hands; she was absolutely beautiful. She had straightened her hair, which looked like long golden strands of thread. She looked at me and smiled, I returned the gesture and gave her a small kiss. I handed her a water bottle and she walked towards the bedroom. Music was still playing in the background, as we had just parted for only a moment. I wanted to feel her again but I didn't want to just ask if we could do it. I wanted to put her in a mood that would allow us to simply get there on our own.

"Do you mind if I change the music?" I asked, placing the water bottles and ice on the dresser.

"Sure, help yourself." She smiled and watched me for a minute. "What's the ice for?" She asked. "Later." I replied, smiling slyly. She leaned back on the bed, drinking her water. I searched Spotify for various songs that I knew would set the mood. I had always wanted to play a few of them when I was with someone intimately, but I never had the right person to make the effort so I never created a playlist. I set a playlist on her Spotify titled, Min Jun's Love Playlist, it was self explanatory.

I sat on the side of the bed next to Juniper and downed the entire bottle of water. I was thirsty. We were sweating when we finished our love making and I had to replenish my liquids. I pulled her feet over to my lap and massaged her toes.

"Ooo, that feels good." She said as she closed her eyes. I gently massaged both of her feet, kneading them with my fingers. I reached over to the dresser, picked a piece of ice out of the cup and slipped in my mouth. This was the moment for me to take control of the situation. I pressed play on the playlist and music began with John Legend's Speak In Tongues.

I scooted closer to her, steadily massaging her feet, moving periodically up her legs. With her eyes closed, I kissed her ankle with the ice I was holding in my mouth. She opened her eyes and looked at me. I bent her knee so I could kiss the top of her foot. She watched me as I opened my mouth slightly, holding the ice between my teeth as sIid the ice along her foot down to her toes. She had the most beautiful feet, with a nice pedicure and I knew that the foot has many nerves that could stimulate a person sexually.

I slowly took her small toe inside my mouth and sucked on it with the ice cube. She squealed, giggled and tried to pull her foot away from me, but I had already anticipated her every move. I took her other leg and spread it far apart from each other. My soldier moved in my jogging pants, he was getting prepared for the next mission. I released her toe from my mouth, gave a nibble to the side of her foot and she laid her head back against the pillow. She was trying hard to resist but I knew she would tell me when I finally hit the spot. I stood up, grabbed the cup of ice and brought it to the nightstand nearest the side of the bed.

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